Monday, May 31, 2010

Edible Good For You

I've read this article twice and each time I read it I was either confused or allured. It's an article about the health benefits of chocolate on the body, but not when you eat it. Why would you not want to eat chocolate?


I Love The Word "Healthful"

The article bellow is about the trend of making sweet treats healthy in some way. I'm not a huge fan of this idea completely because it gives a false impression of what most candy really is. However I have tasted a few "healthful" treats and some are pretty tasty.


Callebauts Chocolate is Expanding

One of the little secrets here in Canada is Callebaut's chocolate. The problem is before now it's really only been available in a local market. That's fine if you live there, but annoying if you don't. Apparently they plan to expand, unfortunetly they also have to change the recipe in order to allow for this expansion. I'm both worried and excited.


The Candy Market Is A Changing

It seems I've been reading more and more articles about small candy companies being bought up by larger candy companies. Expansion into the international market is becoming a big topic for candy companies. It's great to see that the candies from all over the world are starting to become available, however I fear that many of these candies will start to lose quality as well as start to focus on pleasing the global market instead of introducing their treats as is.


Candy For The Troops

I love to hear about the fine folks of the military getting sweet treats while doing work overseas. It makes me happy to know that a little treat can make people so happy.


Happy National Macaroon Day

I'm thinking if you ever need an excuse to go out and munch on a Macaroon doing it for the sake of a made up holiday is just the ticket.


Everybody Is Digging The Honey

Honey is becoming a really popular form of sweetener in candy as of late. It works really well because it adds a unique flavour, and I would even say texture, to the treats that use it.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's a New Review

It's a little late, but I thought it wise not to fall behind of my reviews. I guess many of you folks in the US have tomorrow off to do whatever it is you do on this holiday. I'm assuming it has something to do with eating barbecue, lighting things on fire, and listening to music, but that's just what I get from rock music lyrics. Well for all of you Americans out there, enjoy your holiday, and enjoy this little review.


Friday, May 28, 2010

My New Passion Is Creative Ice Cream

I think Ben and Jerry's might be the founders of this new revolution but at this point they're not really the kings of the heap anymore. I've discovered so many great new and creative ice cream places such as Ed's Real Scoop in Toronto, The Ice Cream Store in Delaware, and many more all over the world.


Does Anybody Want To Pitch In With Me And Buy A Candy Company

The folks that make Brach's candy look like they want to sell. I figure if people want to write me a check, I'll pool our money together and we can enjoy are candy riches together.


A Hershey Lottery Win

Hershey has joined forces with the Pennsylvania Lottery Commission to make their own lottery tickets. This seems to make monetary sense to me, for example, if I was to win the lottery the first thing I would probably do is blow most of my winnings on treats.


Good Advice Given At Candy Show

"Take Chances" is the advice given to the folks at the candy show this week and frankly I couldn't agree any more. The advice was given to candy companies as to how they should create treats in the candy market. I couldn't agree more, I taste so many treats that are pretty much the same thing over and over again. If you send me a treat to sample and it's the same thing I've eaten a hundred times, even if I like it, it may not do as well as something that I've never tried before, even if it's a little gross.


More Power To Your Flavours

According to this article the snack world is demanding more powerful flavours. They say that snack flavours are getting hotter, mintier, sweeter... well just stronger in general.


Listen To The Nice Man

The commercial is creepy and the guy doing the voice over is even creepier.


Fashion And Candy Collide Once Again

More news from the big candy show. It appears that Ed Hardy has branched into the candy world. Once again proving my point that candy and art (or in this case fashion) are so tied in together.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Get It! I Know I Can't Make It To The Candy Expo! Stop Rubbing It In!

Over the last few days I've been inundated with articles about the Candy Expo in Chicago that I unfortunetly cannot attend this year. It sounds like a great show and it sounds like the new treats are better than ever. I'm really sad that I couldn't make it, reading articles about it both intrigue me and make me even sadder.

If any candy company executives want to make me feel better with tons of samples from the show please leave me a message. Also be warned that more posts on the subject are coming, so if you feel jealous as well you might want to read with caution.


Dark Chocolate, We Still Love It

Apparently dark chocolate sales have gone up since 2009, even though many thought it would go down due to increased cost of cocoa and this recession thing I keep hearing about. Good for you dark chocolate, keep up the good work.


Strange Treats At The Candy Show

I'm jealous that I'm not writing this article but I couldn't make it to the candy show in Chicago this year. Judging by some of these treats featured in this article it looks like it's a great year for new and fun treats, and I can't wait to see them on the market.


Astro Pops Return!

Wow I didn't even know that they had discontinued them in the first place. Although come to think of it I haven't seen them around in a while. The thing that ticked me off about Astro Pops as of their later versions is the fact that they seem to have flipped them around making the pointy end at the bottom of the stick. Sure this is safer but they just stopped looking like anything "Astro" anymore.


Mars Girl

I have never seen a girl so unhappy to be eating candy before in my life.

As always you can find this ad and others on Vintage Ad Browser.


Crayons Made From Colourful Food

I just came across the amazing photos of some crayons that where made out of natural (and edible) products. They apparently used things like cocoa, fruit and other dried ingredients to make these piece of art. I'm not sure what one might do with these, eat them or draw with them, although personally I'd do both.


Organic May Not Be Better For You

I should mention that I'm not saying you shouldn't go organic. In fact I'm often for food companies and consumers making that choice. What I don't like is the assumption that organic is healthier for you all of the time. I think it's probably healthier for the environment, and I think that companies that use organic products often have a better attention to detail than others that don't. I just can't figure out why it might be more or less healthy for me.

Thank This Man If You've Been To a Movie In Chicago

Here's a great article about the 5th generation business owner who has been outfitting theaters with concession stand equipment for more than 100 years. Well he hasn't done it himself, but his family has been doing it. Sure you may not think about him when you go see a movie, but just once try eating cold popcorn and then write this man a letter and apologies for not giving him credit.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Details On Candy Tax

This article is a very simple explanation about how the candy tax works and why there might be a few problems. Fortunately at this point I'm not affected personally by these candy taxes, but with increased costs and lowered profit the candy companies will be soon.


X-treme Eating 2010

It's not really a contest but more of a look at some of the foods that restaurants serve in huge portions. I have to admit that some of these do interest me, but I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't eat the whole thing.


Chocolate Bonds

In the past cocoa was used as a currency by the Mayans, today the tradition returns with chocolate bonds. A British candy maker is offering chocolate bonds for sale that will allow members of a chocolate club to receive the sweet treat in a profitable manner. It's a brilliant way not only to promote a company but also an interesting way to look at money.


Salty Sweet Goes Mainstream

Mars has announced a new line of treats that focus on sweet and salty. As flavour combinations go this is one of my favourite. I'm hoping this is just the beginning of this trend going mainstream.


Nano Fibers

For all of you out in the world saying that candy is good for nothing, then I challenge you to read this article and tell me that cotton candy hasn't changed the world.


Candy Is A Choking Hazard!

This just seems wrong, how can food be considered a choking hazard? It's pretty much part of the risk of eating anything if you ask me. Putting food into your throat is a hazard, but one we will all have to take part in. These kind of articles make me so mad I cou.... *choking*....


Mr Donut Nigiri

Mr Donut in Asia is getting creative with their donuts. It's so cool that donuts are getting more and more creative.


Hershey Store In Niagara

One place I never miss visiting while in Niagara is the giant Hershey store. I always like to visit my little Hershey's Kiss friend and invite him to dance a happy jig with me.
I also like to look at all the cool treats available, some exclusively at the Hershey store. These five pound Hershey bars would be great for making giant s'mores.
They also always have baked products filled with things like Kisses, Reece's Pieces, and all kinds of other chocolaty goodness.
I found these Reese Bars at the shop and I've never seen them anywhere else before.
The also have cool merchandice too, like these Hershey and Reese's pillows.
If you ask really nice, they'll also offer you a sample of one of there treats. I had a bite of chocolate covered sponge toffee, it wasn't bad.
However the ultimate treat that I found had to be these one pound Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It's like a cake and candy all together as one.



I don't get this new snack called "Zombie Meat". Is it meat for zombies, or is it meat made from zombies? Not that it really matters because the name "Zombie Meat" is really cool, and the idea of eating blue dried meat makes it even cooler.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Late At Night, It's Late In The Week, But I'm Still Updating

I've really fallen off of this regular update train. It used to be like clockwork, every Sunday I would post a new review and the whole world would be a better place. The problem as of late involves crazy holidays (statutory or personal) that have gotten in the way of my regular schedual. Then when Tuesday or Wednesday roll around I wonder if it's really worth updating still. In this case I've decided that it is. So don't let the lateness of this review affect your opinion of it... or maybe you can.


Who Is Holly Madison?

See although I know a lot about candy and treats frankly when it comes to many other areas of pop culture as of late I'm really behind. So when news broke that this Holly Madison lady is introducing a candy line of jewelry (edible I assume) then I said... ok. Frankly I have no idea who she is but judging by the headline I'm going to say that she's known for being some kind of sex symbol.


Strange Flavours = Awesome Candy World

Through my years eating and taste testing candy I've seen all sorts of strange treats. I've also seen people railing against the many flavours that one might find chips. To these people I say... "huh?" What are you complaining about, it's not like chip companies will ever eliminate the standards, and frankly I've stumbled across a few "strange flavours" of chips in my day that turned out to be really tasty. Here's a little secret for you folks... The United States has (as far as I know) the blandest variety of chips in the whole world. Yup, they're behind the technology, behind the cool factor, and ultra conservative when it comes to chips.


You'd Think I Love Everything Candy Wouldn't You

Well you'd be wrong, in fact there is a whole bunch of things that I really don't think about that much in candy. Well I think about it, skim a few articles here and there, but frankly I don't really focus on the business side of candy. I think it's important because things like price and quality of treats depends greatly on this, but it's really boring to read about and when given the choice between that and tasting some new fangled ice cream I think the choice is clear.


Ed's Really Good Scoop

A little while ago while visiting my Mom and Sister in Toronto I discovered one of the best Ice Cream Parlors in the whole world. Actually my mom discovered it and then insisted that I would not be a complete human being if I didn't go for a scoop or two.
The place was immaculate and every single flavour of ice cream looked great. The staff was fantastic and the only problem I had was choosing a flavour.
The good news is that because of their relaxed choices per cup rule I was able to sample a whole bunch of flavours. Not to mention the fact that they are ridiculously liberal with their sampling. The two flavours I'd recommend most for someone who thinks they've tried it all: The dark chocolate and jalapeño gelato, and the burnt marshmallow ice cream. For those that aren't so daring I strongly recommend the cinnamon, it's different but not too shocking.
Allison on the other hand create something that defies words in how spectacular it was. While I was off trying the weird and wonderful, Allison simply mixed half chocolate and half hazelnut to make what I can only describe as near Nuttella. It was simple and brilliant.


No Candy Show... Doh!

This time of year always makes me happy and sad all at the same time. The National Confectioners Association is having their big candy show, and that's great because it means that there will be all kinds of cool new treats coming out, and coming to me in the next little while. The part that makes me sad is that once again I can't make it out to the show itself. I've been, and it's a wonderful fun land of treats and sweets. Well at least I can read about it on the internet... sigh...


As Of Late I've Been Obsessed With Star Wars Treats

These cool cookie cutters featured in this link are just another cool Star Wars treat thing that really puts a smile on this candy loving Star Wars geek's face.


Journey In The Niagara Gorge

What trip to Niagara would be complete without getting up close and personal with rapidly moving water. A journey into the Niagara Rapids Gorge is always the best way to see the power of this awesome river.
Cooler still is this little treasure I found at the end of the Gorge trail. There's an old wall that is just covered in chewed bubble gum. I'm not sure if I find this more repulsive or intriguing. Although I don't like it when people leave their gum lying around, I do love strange candy oddities.


My Problem With Jelly Belly Flavours Lately

Don't get me wrong I love Jelly Bellies, the flavours are so realistic and so many are so creative. The problem I have is when the folks at Jelly Belly start making their own one Jelly Bean flavour combinations. The thing I love about Jelly Belly is mixing the flavours myself in order to simulate crazy other foods. They used to (and still might) produce a little recipe book that tells you how to mix your own crazy concoctions, and these where ok, but why are they suddenly making flavours that are combinations already.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Unhealthy Drinks and Their Unhealthy Counterparts

This article highlighting the 20 worst drinks in America is supposed to give you a comparison as to how many and which kind of unhealthy treat each serving represents. I'm sure it's supposed to scare you away from drinking the various drinks but it didn't work on me. Instead I see this list as a suggested pairing list, kind of like red wine with beef.


Texas As The Chocolate Capital

I'm not sure if I agree that this will happen, but apparently a famous chef from Europe wants this to be the case. The man has made chocolate creations for British royalty so he knows his stuff, so it'll be interesting to see if he can make it happen.


The Saddest Thing About a Factory Closing Down

Sure the loss of jobs is really sad. The tradition and memory of a factory (particularly the one in this article that is over 100 years old) is a sad thing to lose. But the worst is the loss of smell, that awesome smell of chocolate or candy being made can make a place really pleasant in the mornings. I used to go to school next to a chocolate manufacturing plant and some mornings where spectacular.


Niagara A Candy Fanatics Dream

I love traveling, and I love large amounts of water falling from great heights. That's why Niagara falls is really the place for me. But Niagara isn't just a place to see water falling, or Americans from far away, or even tacky souvenir shops, although all of these can be done there.
Niagara is also a Candy Critic's dream. There's pretty much candy available all over the place. And the shops are always crazy with all kinds of cool displays.
I'm not sure why Niagara has become such a sweet tooth mecca.
But every time I visit I'm sure to stop in and pick up all kind of treats. Fudge being the top of the list, bear nuts second, and I'm always interested in the Niagara/Canada themed treats.


Cotton Candy Vending Machines

This idea sound like it could be the greatest invention ever made, or the best set up for a spectacular injury/tragedy. All I know is when I ask if I can try to make my own cotton candy at stores or at the fair I'm often given many excuses as to why not, and many sound dangerous.


What The Heck Is "Fancy Nancy"?

Apparently they're going to start making Sweethearts candies themed around this series of kids books. I've never actually seen one of these books before but judging by the images I've found on Google chances are that's probably a good thing for a 30ish old man.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Cancel All Of My Travel Plans!!!

I just came across this great list of the top 10 chocolate museums in the world and that means my new priority in life is to visit each and every one of them.


Chocolate Has Health Benefits... Chocolate Can Have More Health Benefits

News like this makes me happy. It appears that if you prep the cocoa a certain way than chocolate will actually produce more health benefits thus making a tasty treats even better for you.


Banning Pop At Arenas

In principles I don't really have a problem with this idea. I understand that the city wants to promote healthy eating in places like arenas and selling pop is not the healthiest choice. My problem comes from the fact that many arenas make a lot of money from these machines, and banning some of the choices available cuts off the profit making potential for these arenas. So in the end less money is brought in and basically problems abound.


I'm Not A Huge Fan Of Marshmallows

I do eat them, but frankly marshmallows are more of an ingredient in treats than a treat on their own. That's why when I saw this how to build your own marshmallow catapult I wasn't saddened by the wasteful use of candy.


A New Revelation About Me And Cupcakes

I was reading this article about cupcakes and it made me realize something about myself, a personal hidden fact about my personality that I feel I have to let out. I love eating "dainty" cupcakes. Nothing makes me happier than to see frills and cute little swirls on my cupcakes. Nothing makes my mouth water more than if my cupcake is cuter than a Care Bear. I'm a man that loves "dainty" cupcakes.


Snack Bar Reviews

This little article gives a couple of opinions on "health" snack bars. It's nice to see them look at taste instead of just nutritional value. I say this because often people just look at nutritional value and attempt to eat only food that tastes like crap. Then they cheat on their diets and nothing works at all.


Candy Can Make You Sexy

According to this article there is a chocolate bar in the works that will not only give you the health benefits that come from chocolate but with a few additions it will also help give you glowing skin. Sure that's great and all, but does it taste good?


Summer Is Here Now... Right?

I could go for some ice cream right now... I think I will.


Candy In Pakistan

I always get a kick about reading anything related to candy from outside of North America or Western Europe. It's not that I doubt the existence of treats outside of these borders, the opposite is in fact true. It's just that I like to look at the similarities and the differences, and I often fantasize visiting these places and seeing the candy situation myself.


Drugs and Chocolate

A drug bust at JFK airport found a bunch of cocaine inside a bunch of chocolates. Tragic that such a fine high grade treat had to go to waste. Remember kids, say no to drugs, because they waste great high quality chocolate, and that in itself is a crime.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

History Of Chocolate In Mexico

You'll be pretty surprised at the kind of history Mexico has with chocolate if you don't know much about it already.


Candy Is Still Doing Well

Chocolate, Non-chocolate candy, regular candy. Frankly I'm confused by all of these terms. Chocolate, Chips, Ice Cream, Some Cakes, and hard Candy all fit into the same category if you ask me. I think I'll give this group a new name, how about we call it yummy candy? Either way it appears that candy sales are still doing well and that's great. Now let's see some of the money we've invested into the candy business come back out with some new and fun treats.


Good Idea... I Hope

The National Confectioners Association is supporting a new idea to get food manufactures to lower the calories of the food they sell. Some of the ideas I hate, lowering sugar, fats, and basically changing recipes. Don't get me wrong, I do like the idea of making smaller portions, but lowering quality and messing with recipes is just a bad idea all around.


Chocolate For The Troops

I'm for it. Basically according to this article you can buy two bars at any Harry and David's store, you get one, and so does a soldier overseas. Good deal.


Packaging Fun Vacation For the Family

I often read articles about candy, and candy attractions and often I get really excited. Now I know some people are really into the packaging process, but I sure hope the folks at Nestle aren't using this to promote the tour of their facilities.


You Can Own Sweets?

After reading this article I was shocked... Not at the results of the legal battle, but at the idea that anybody can own a recipe for a candy. I thought that's why so many candy companies stay so secret with their ingredients and methods, because recipes are on the open market. I could be wrong, since I'm no lawyer, but it makes me think a little about how this business works.


Baby Ruth For The Boys

I'm guessing that back in the 40s the boys in green really dug Baby Ruths. I'm also guessing that in the 40s the boys in green where slobs because they left all their Baby Ruth wrappers just lying in a big pile.


Cool Exhibit On Chocolate

People rarely think of how food and in particular candy can affect history. Well some museums understand how important something like chocolate can be to a culture. The Sam Nobel Museum in Oklahoma understands how cool the history of chocolate is and has put up what looks like a great exhibit.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don't Bake Brownies That Look Anything Like a Hershey Bar

Hershey is sueing William Sonoma for producing a backing pan that mimics one of their bars. Yup, if you make anything that looks like a bar that Hershey manufactures, you could get sued.


Candy Tax Got You Down

Well this isn't going to help you at all. The National Confectioners Association has compiled a list of the treats that are taxable according to the new tax law in Washington State.


AT-AT Cake

Whenever you can mix two of my favorite things in life, you can pretty much guarantee yourself a plug on this site.


New European Chocolate Coming To North America

It always makes me smile to see classic European (or any country for that matter) treats coming to North America. I love the idea of all treats being available to everyone because there's a different taste that you haven't tried and you should.


Fun Story Of DQ Blizzard

Here's a little look at the 25th anniversary of the DQ Blizzard.


Why You Choose Chocolate

A survey conducted by the folks at Lindt asked people why they might choose to buy chocolate, most suggested, mood, weather, or time of day. I would have to agree that those are often my reasons for buying chocolate as well. If I have a mood, I buy chocolate, if there is weather, why not have some chocolate, if it is a time of day, you guessed it, chocolate time.


Cup Cake Greatness

The sign might say "Giant Cup Cake" but with all of those gummy bears and sprinkles on it I'm thinking they should call it and "Awesome Cup Cake".


Are You In San Antonio Right Now Craving a Sweet Treat?

Well then you're going to have some trouble getting your hands on anything good. Apparently some government types believe that they know what you want to eat and when you want to eat it, so they're taking out all of the sweet treats from city run vending machines. Sure that's a great way to get people to be healthier, force then to eat what you want.


Eat What You Want... It Could Be Better For You

Or at least if you say that you'll eat what you want... even if you don't. Basically if you restricted your diet you may be likely to want unhealthy foods even more.


Bill Is Back

Jello has decided to bring Bill Cosby back into the Jello marketing machine and I couldn't possibly be any happier. The only thing that would make my day a little more would be if they also brought back pudding pops.


Edible Art

The lines are starting to blur, the lines I speak of are that of art and food. Edible art is starting to make it into the mainstream and I couldn't be happier. If we are to look at some food creations as fine art, I would like to argue that candy represents the pop art of our society.


Candy Breakfast

I was out and about this morning and I decided to just grab a quick breakfast at McDonalds. I got myself the Sausage McGriddle with Egg and I realized that this is probably the closest thing to eating candy for breakfast one can purchase. If you can think of anything more candy like than a bun infused with syrup I'm all ears.


Finally Candy Could Make Me Cool

That is assuming P-Diddy is still cool. Frankly I'm not really up on the trends today, this fact makes me feel old as well as uncool. As a teenager I was simply uncool because I wasn't into the cool stuff, but at least then I knew what was cool. However if P-Diddy is still cool, then this contest that M&Ms has launched will give me the chance to hang out with him.


First Soft Serve Ice Cream Cone Of The Year

One of my favorite treats every year is soft serve ice cream, particularly if it comes from a truck. The stuff on these trucks tastes so nice and creamy and is generally better than most store bought soft serve ice cream.
The problem is Ottawa doesn't really have any soft serve trucks. I'm often forced to travel to Toronto just to enjoy this taste of heaven. But I assure you it's worth every drop of gas.


The Lazy Sweet Lovers Dream

Cupcakes are great, but really there's so much hassle with having to go out of the house, go to the store, pay for them, come back home, and then eat them. If only somebody came up with a simpler way. Wait a minute.


Fair Trade, Sustainable Palm Oil, it's all good.

I always told myself that I would stay out of the political side of the candy business and just focus on the taste and fun stuff, but recently that's become impossible. I think that it's probably a good thing though, I think it's become such an important part for all candy companies to start changing their practices and start thinking about things other than profit or even quality. My only concern is the possibility of the loss of quality but so far that hasn't been an issue.


New Candy Book From Dylan's NY

Apparently a new candy book is expected to come out soon from the folks at Dylan's Candy Bar, one of the great candy stores in New York.


Doritos Truck

I can't tell you why, but every time I see a truck delivering candy or treats my mouth starts to water. At first I thought it was some kind of weird impulse, then I realized that maybe I'm just obsessed with giant pictures of food.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Candy and Sugar Taxes Affect You

Here's an article about the jump in price for some vending machines in Colorado because of the new sweet tax. There is some argument that some vending machine companies may be increasing more than the taxes to make a few extra bucks. It's not surprising that this kind of thing happens and it reminds us once again that this tax hike is a bad idea.


So You Think These High Sugar Taxes Will Just Raise Candy Prices?

Well you would be wrong. Hershey and other candy companies may be forced to move their factories to other countries that don't have high taxes on sugar and that my friend costs people their jobs.


Peanut Question

After reading this article about the increase in Peanut allergies I'm a little confused about the facts. I can agree that maybe more kids have peanut allergies than before... or at least they think they do. I'm not putting down the idea that some people are truly allergic to peanuts, I'm just thinking that some parents are getting a little too paranoid thus creating a hysteria. However if I'm wrong, and that's very possible, my bigger concern is why more children are developing this allergy, and what people can do about it.


Candy Table Of Elements

My buddy Paul sent me this link to what might possibly be the greatest (and most accurate) table of elements I've ever seen.


Daily Nut Intake

At first I thought this article said the more nuts you are the healthier you might be, then I was really happy because I'm pretty sure that I'm totally insane. Apparently the more nuts you eat the more healthy you might be.


Shipping Day At The Candy Store

The other day I was walking by Sugar Mountain (one of Ottawas largest candy stores) when I noticed that they had just recieved a shippiment of treats.
I wasn't tempted to steal anything, but I was really tempted to dig through the boxes and see what was going to be in fresh stock that day. Nothing is finer than a fresh gummy bear.


Betty White Cake

I just came across this post about what could possibly be the best idea for decorating a cake ever.


Facebook Folks Like Skittles

According to some kind of math generating crazy web value people, skittles has one of the more valuable facebook pages on the internets (in particular dealing with food). Apparently the facebook page is worth 7.7 million dollars. Seriously?.. Anybody who wants to make a Candy Critics day a little nicer can maybe click here and "like".


Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Been a Little While Since My Last Review

As you'll soon read I was out of town for a little while and although I was able to blog, I was not able to update new reviews. I really have to build myself a system that allows me to update the reviews and the blog. Sure I could just post the reviews on the blog, but really that's not what Candy Critic is all about. Sorry about the delay.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Flavoured Sugar Sounds Cool

I've never heard of flavoured sugars but apparently they exist. I'm sure they'd be great to cook with but I'd even be interested in just trying them on their own.


I Wonder How I'd Look In a Chocolate Tux?

More examples of candy clothing from a fashion show in NY. Best of all it's a fashion show for kids so we know that the next generation is down with candy fashion.


The Candy Tax Approacheth

I get the feeling I'll be finding more and more articles about the new candy tax in Washington State as the date approaches. I'm interested in hearing people's opinion on the issue.


Hershey's Makes Patriotic Kisses

I imagine that these patriotic Hershey Kisses will only be available in the US. Frankly I kind of wish that we had more patriotic candy here in Canada. I really haven't seen anything like that since the introduction of the Canada Oh Henry Bar. It was cool because the big chunk of fudge was red and white. Sure it's noble to support the troops in the US with some great looking snacks, but we want to patriotic treats up north too.


I Really Am Going To Live Forever

According to this article a 100 year old women from Pennsylvania says that the secret to living so long is chocolate. This is the kind of news that makes me happy.


New Candy Store Stays Old

A store that claims to be one of the oldest candy stores in the US has just been sold, but there's good news. Apparently the new owners plan on keeping many of the old stores candy making tricks and recipes.


Salt And Sweet Mix

Ever since I first sampled a chocolate covered potato chip when I was a little kid, I've had a huge love of the salty sweet combination. This Chicago Tribune article all about the joys of this mix was spot on to a trend that I can only hope becomes bigger and more mainstream.


Just Look At These Funny Foods

I love it when people put personalities into their foods, and this photo collection shows off some great attempts to do just that. It's funny, whenever I eat something (or watch someone eat something) I imagine how the food feels about being consumed by that particular person.


Yummy Earth Sends Me Some Treats

The folks at Yummy Earth sent me a couple of treats to try out. I'm going to review a lollipop but all the extras are going to my neighbor who can't eat gluten. Thanks yummy earth!


Snacks Are Becoming Even More Popular!

That's great news... at least I think it is. According to the NPD (which I'm sure stands for something) snacks are becoming more and more popular with all kinds of people. I'm not really sure what one defines as a snack, but frankly a headline like this just looks great on a blog like mine.


Tomorrow is National Chocolate Chip Day

To celebrate I thought I would find a cute little chocolate chip cookie commercial. Man that little boy in this commercial is such a gentlemen. I think I would have been nice enough to push her chair in, but once we grabbed the same cookie all bets are off.