Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someone Broke Into a Chocolate Factory and Messed the Place Up

That's just not cool. If you want to mess something up, why not break into a place that makes things for bad people. Chocolate is something that makes people happy and when you wreck a chocolate factory you make people sad.


More Bean To Bar

I really think this "Bean to Bar" trend is going to be the next big thing in the chocolate world. I think a fair trade, organic, bean to bar treat is a sure fire win.


If You Think China Is Importing Everything You're Nuts

Apparently the American almond market is profiting very well from China. The american snacks are becoming very popular overseas and creating a whole mess of cash for American farmers. This is all well and good, but frankly I've never been to an almond farm, and after reading this I'm really curious as to what an almond tree looks like.


Magnolia Bark Is OK.

We can all breath a sigh of relief to know that Magnolia bark has been approved as a food. It sounds a little strange to think about where many of the chewy substances we eat come from. I frankly like to just imagine scenes from Charlie and the Chocolate factory when I eat my candy.


Food Innovation

If you want to make a "Candy Critic" happy, invest in food innovation. Sure I like the classics, but when you give me something so new, and so different I get so happy that I squeal with delight. Trust me, Allison will agree.


Who Knew That Candy Canes Where Religious

Apparently according to the supreme court they are. I guess because they're sort of associated with Christmas they get that rap. I'm no expert on the bible but I have seen Jesus Christ Super Star and I don't seem to remember candy canes playing any role at all.


Rare Beans

They say that not all cocoa beans are equal. In fact there are some that only really want to eat chocolate made from the best. Well the article bellow explains a little something about these fine chocolate aficionados and what some will do to get their fix.

Free Gum... Well You Gotta Pay For Cable

TV interaction is getting out of control. Apparently the folks at Orbit have a campaign where some people will be getting free gum simply by pushing the right button on their remote control when asked.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chocolate Historical Art

Chocolate Historical Art is really the only reason I think that I would take a double major in university in both art history and culinary arts. Other than that all I can do is hope to munch on one of these chocolate terracotta warriors.


Kraft! What Are You Doing?

So you go through the big deal of buying Cadbury, make a big deal about it in the press. Then you go off an start to sell off parts of it? I don't understand business at all.


Hand Made Lollipops

The thing about small companies making small batches of any kind of treat tends to be that it's really where one finds the creativity in candy. These people can afford to be experimental because they make their candy in small batches. So if it doesn't work out they don't have as much to lose as a larger company.


Tour Of A Candy Store

I've been lucky enough to get myself invited on a few tours of candy stores in my day and all I can say is it's a really good time. It's great to talk candy with people who really know what they're talking about and great to see people making a living doing what they love.


Cadbury New Zealand Isn't As Trusted

Now I can see the importance of trusting a company to keep up the quality of its products. But I really don't know if I would trust a poll that simply asks people if they "trust" a company. It's too vague a question. If you ask about how much they like their treats, or if they would buy it again, that's OK, but trust? I mean I trust Cadbury, I trust them in that I'm sure they're not trying to kill me with food poisoning. I don't always like their treats, but I trust them.


"Pectin-protein combo may extend ingredient microencapsulation"

What does this mean? Well it's like this, apparently some eggheads have developed a way to hide flavours in a coating that will be released later on. That means we should be seeing a whole bunch of new products that change flavour while you eat them.


How to Eat Candy... in Moderation

The National Candy Association has a little health chart to help you figure out what's in your candy bars. At first I thought this was instructions of how to eat my candy, and I was going to ignore it, because I'm OK with that part of my life.


A Second Thought About Lemonade

It's strange, I may not associate Lemonade with the countryside, but every time I see a giant lemon all I can do is get thirsty. I wonder if this works with other fruit as well?


"Blood Chocolate"

Well it's official, un-trade friendly chocolate has a name, and it's pretty harsh. This article talks about the chocolate industry and pretty much relates it to the diamond industry, at least when comparing some of the problems. I can see the relation, because frankly people don't need diamonds, and people don't need chocolate, so why hurt someone over it.


Monday, June 28, 2010

I Love Lemonade

I just can't figure out why it reminds people of the old country side. Maybe it's just strange to me because I grew up in Canada, and frankly our country side has not one lemon tree.


I Never Get Sick Of Reading About Chocolate

In particular I'm totally interested in the debate about chocolate and its health merits. Some say it's good for you, others say it's not. Personally I just like eating the stuff, if it's healthy that's just an added bonus.


My Future Backyard

The Chive has a great photo collection featuring a backyard that has been transformed into a real life sized version of the game Candy Land. I'm torn because although I love this idea, I really hate gardening.


Are You Sucking On A Lollipop that Lights Up?

You might want to stop, check the label and read the article below. Apparently a few of them have been recalled.


Best Brands Of Chocolates?

I came across this list that apparently features the best brands of chocolates. I'm thinking this is a list of best chocolate available in the USA because frankly there are some giant holes here. Cadbury is not mentioned, Milka is not mentioned, as well as many others. I'm not saying that these aren't fine chocolate companies, I just think this list would be a little different if it was less exclusive.


You Might Start Seeing Fannie May In More Places

The news that Fannie May is going to start allowing franchises may at first appear to be nothing that important for non-business candy types. However this news means that anybody who has a good place for a shop and a few bucks in their pocket can sell Fannie May chocolates. That means that you might start seeing stores pop up in states (and maybe countries) that they've never been seen before.


Are You Thinking Of Opening A Candy Store?

The thing about opening a candy store is that very few people ever consider things like the colours of the walls, the types of decorations, and how things are going to be displayed. I've been to some gorgeous candy stores in my day, however I've been to more that are just horrible. The candy store featured in the article bellow seems to have a really good idea going, clear containers, white washed walls. Show off the colour of the candy, however, this also shows off the dust, so you gotta keep it clean.


Spray Can Pancakes

The only thing more satisfying then bitting into a warm batch of pancakes smothered in butter and real maple syrup has to be the cool sound of your pancakes being spayed into the pan. And with a name like "Batter Blaster" I'm sure it's only a matter of time till it becomes an internet sensation.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Candy Crime Trifecta

It would seem that this week there was three incidences that have involved the police and candy. However this one is the most strange of all.


Candy Calms Flight Delay

Once again it's candy to the rescue. A delayed flight in Scotland almost got out of hand as the passengers started to protest. Apparently the cops showed up with drinks and candy to save the day.


Stealing Candy Is Just Wrong

If you steal candy you will not only potentially go to jail, but you will also lose any hope in having me as a friend. Stealing candy does not support candy retailers, or candy manufactures. Not to mention it gives candy fanatics a bad name.


No More Candy Smokes

It's official, candy smokes are officially banned. If you want to pretend that you're cool and eat candy you're pretty much out of luck.


Never Thought I'd Link To ESPN

I'm not really a big sports guy myself but apparently JJ Birden (an ex-NFL player) is into chocolate treats. He's decided in his retirement to start selling his own chocolates and frankly I think that's a wise business idea.


Cadbury Sent Me Some Bars

They sent them to me because I think they like me... Or because they like the fact that I was really enthusiastic about their new campaign. Nope, I'm going to go with, because they like me.


New Ben And Jerry's Ice Cream

They've just come out with two new flavours, both sounds spectacular and both will probably not be available in Canada for the next few years. I'm a little sad about this.


I've Never Played Starcraft

So maybe if you have, you might appreciate some photos of a "Zerg Hive Starcraft Cake".


Gum Short Films

Orbits gum has released a series of short films in association with a few other fun websites. Not sure what to think about this one.


My Nutella Might Be Green

The folks at Ferrero are looking to improve the environmental impact of producing yummy chocolaty stuff. Making people happy with chocolate and doing it while making the world greener, why I believe that's worth a Nobel Prize.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smile For Your Ice Cream

Here's a look at a great little invention. It's apparently a machine that asks you to smile for your ice cream. Best of all with modern technology the machine won't give you any until you do. The problem is if you don't get any ice cream you might be sad, and then you have an even smaller chance at getting any. It's pretty much a downward spiral from there.


A Story About A Man And His Homemade Treats

I love reading about small candy stands and in particular ones where they make some of the treats in store.


Let's Go To The Lobby

Boing Boing has posted a great collection of drive in movie advertising that might make you hungry... although it also might turn you off drive in food forever.


Lunch Time Idea

I have to admit that I'm a little upset that I don't live in the US right now. Friendly's (which I assume has no locations in Canada) has mixed two of my favourite lunch time meals into one. Apparently it's not very healthy, but that's ok, I'll only eat one.


Let Me Accessories With Some Candy

I think if I ever decide to get into the fashion business this is exactly this type of thing I'd come up with.


The Thing About Pot Lollipops

The article below is all about a guy in LA who decided to sell lollipops. His lollipops happen to have been made with marijuana, however it's not that big a deal. See there are many varieties of marijuana that are harmless and very legal in some areas. Hemp itself is a very useful product that can be used for many purposes. The problem I have with this is the way that the good and the "bad" use are being marketed, both by this guy in LA and by the guy who wrote this article.



I've had the problem several times while reviewing treats for Candy Critic. The package says that it's natural, but frankly I have no idea what it means. I'm not sure if I should expect a natural flavour, is the sugar natural, or is part of the process it's made natural. It's all really complicated.


Summer Makes Me Think Of Comics and Gumballs

Both of these items where staples of my childhood.


NICE Acronym

I just got this article from Reuters about a group that wants to ban high salt and fatty foods in the UK. I can't say that I agree with their idea, most likely because I run a web site filled with these kinds of snacks. The only reason I posted this at all was because this group called "The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence" has decided that their name should be turned into the acronym "NICE". I'm sure they know a lot about healthy foods, but they may want to research how acronyms work.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Research Finds Out The Obvious

According to this article it would appear that kids like treats wrapped up with their favorite cartoon characters. More shocking still, kids prefer that these packages be filled with gummies, cookies or other sweet snacks. Really people get paid to figure this stuff out.


Candy For a Cause

I love to see candy companies becoming involved with good causes. It allows you to now only enjoy eating your favorite treat but also lets you feel like your helping out. The folks at Just Borne are doing just that.


A Nice Story Of a Lady And Her Chocolate Shop

I love hearing about candy stores, so if you happen to be opening one let me know.


I Like The New M&Ms and I've Never Tasted One

The folks at Mars are doing a great job promoting the new pretzel M&Ms. I like the new character and the promo stuff has been fun. Sure I haven't actually eaten one yet, but that will come... I hope.


Why Would I Buy This?

So there I am at the store when I come across the biggest most off coloured rice treat square I've ever seen in my life. It was a monster, and it looked horrible. The colours where faded, it was rock hard, and it pretty much grossed me out completely.
I thought to myself, I need to document this atrocity, I need to tell the world about this larger than life colourful (and after being opened super fake fruity smelling) snack. I need to warn them, make sure people know what they're getting into. Then I realized I'm also going to have to eat it. I'd normally write a review but frankly it was too horrible.


Politics of Candy

I guess I can be seen as one who has a political opinion on candy, however I have no official say on the issue. The folks at the NCA, they have an official say, and the folks at Politico decided to see what it was.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Smarties VS M&Ms

I've had this debate a few times myself, but it's good to see others taking interest in this the most important of debates. So what's better, British/Canadian Smarties or M&Ms. I think I may have to write a little more on the subject but for now you can read another's opinion.


What's a Rope Lollipop?

Apparently there is to be an attempt to make the worlds largest "rope lollipop". Now I'm sure you're asking how big the last one was, or maybe what the heck a rope lollipop is. Well I wondered both as well and I learned that a rope lollipop is one of those round flat lollipops that looks like a single coil of candy wrapped in a circle. I didn't figure out how big the second largest was, but frankly if these guys build a bigger one I guess it's pretty much useless information anyways.


Not All Candies Are Equal

Particularly when you're dealing with health. Some candies must be taken in small portions while others can be eaten in larger portions. The problem I guess if finding out which to choose from. Well this little article bellow is a good starting point.


That Harry Potter Has His Own Place

I'm sure you've heard all of the hype about the new Harry Potter theme park in Orlando. Some of you might be dying to go, others (who don't really dig kids books) probably don't care. Well if you're a candy lover I've got two articles that might make you want to go a little more.


Lesser Known Candy Characters

Over the years many famous characters have come out of the candy industries advertising departments. Chester Cheetah, the M&M's guys (and girl) just to name a few. The thing is this industry is loaded with fun and strange characters that just don't seem to make it as big as others.
So as a public service to you and to the little candy guys I've decided to take note of some of the lesser known candy characters and post a little something about them on this blog. I've decided to start with a couple of fun characters I found on my bags of Old Dutch potato chips. The thing that really drew me towards these guys is the fact that they seem to be constantly spurting their flavours. Stranger still is the fact that only the salt seems to be concerned by this leaking of tasty fluids.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Swedish Royalty Makes an Oopsy.

Apparently the royal family in Sweden has released a special sweet treat to remember their upcoming royal wedding. The problem is apparently this sweet treat might have some associations with child labor.


Ever Wonder How Much They Spend On Advertising

Well Ferrero Rocher is looking to review it's 6 million pound advertising agreement this Christmas, so that should give you some idea. Now don't get me wrong, I love candy advertising, and I love the fact that they drop so much because frankly it entertains me. I love more than just eating candy, I love the whole art of marketing behind it too.


Gum That Saves Lives

A candy company has started to work with some scientists to develop gum that contains vitamins that can help deal with malnutrition. In this form people will be able to get the nutrition they need but since it's in gum form it's easy to transport to those that need it. It seems like a really good idea, and I'd love to try a piece but frankly I'm sure there are other people who could use it more than me.


Space Chocolate

The chocolate makers "Artisan du Chocolat" have come up with a collection of great looking space themed chocolate to celebrate the year of Astronomy. They look great, and I'm sure they taste great too.


The Folks In Duluth Are Celebrating National Candy Month

Are you? Really why wouldn't you celebrate such a great month, filled with treats, and sweets. It really doesn't make sense not to celebrate, even a little.


Ya, Ya, The American Idols Are Great

But more importantly the giant orange M&M stage is so cool. Sure it would be cool to see musical artists performing their art, but a giant M&M, really you can't beat that.


What Are You Saying Old Dutch?

I got myself a couple of bags of Old Dutch potato chips (for reasons you'll read about in a few days), and I noticed the strangest guarantee ever on any food product.
The bag says that the chips are "Flavour Guaranteed". Now what exactly does that mean? Does this mean that this bag of chips will in fact have some kind of flavour? If my bag of chips is void of any flavour can I return them? How does one prove a lack of flavour? Does this also mean that if the chips are gross (although they where not) then I couldn't complain because they still had a flavour? Many questions come out of this strange guarantee.


Italy and Nutella Fear Labels

The European Parliament (frankly I don't really understand what that is) has decided to get strict about labels on foods. They want foods with a certain amount of sugar, or other things to have mark them clearly. In some cases they might even require a red warning label. I'm ok with proper labels, I just want to be sure that items that appear to be healthy also have to label the bad ingredients. Even if percentage wise they're not as bad as something like Nutella. I guess what I'm saying is when you buy Nutella you pretty much know it's loaded with sugar. When you buy yogurt, you pretty much assume it's not. Read the label and learn.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Update On Hershey Create Your Own Candy Bar Attraction

Once in a while the world works in strange ways and I actually get what I ask for. This morning just such an event took place. Stephanie from Hershey's saw my post about the lack of good photos from the new Hershey Create Your Own Candy Bar attraction in Pennsylvania and she imediately sent me more info. This info included a walk through video of the attraction (you can click here to check it our yourself). The video is a little dry, but the attraction looks fantastic. Thanks gang at Hershey's, now I'm just waiting for my free passes with an all expense paid trip to see it myself(wink, wink, nudge, nudge).


Hey Everybody Miriah Carey Likes Candy

Most of the time when I read an article about some celebrity that likes candy it's frankly disappointing. It really doesn't make any difference to me if P-Diddy likes plain M&Ms or that Oprah loves gummy bears. What makes Ms Carey's love of candy different is she's going even further and has started a perfume line that apparently is inspired off of her love of sweet treats. This is a celebrity endorsement of candy I can get behind.


New All Kosher Candy Shop In Jersey

Sure it sounds like little news but I'm here to support every single candy shop in the world. That's right, I want to support each and every one of them. These are the people that get the sweet treats to you, and the reason I got into the racket in the first place.


Sweets Might Give You Cancer

I just read this article that would lead you to believe that Sweets will give you cancer. Then the last paragraph specifically says that it won't give you cancer but instead sweets might slightly increase the risk of getting it. Particularly they say that "diet" is a key, not just sweet treats, but diet. I'm holding the writers of this article personally responsible for that lollipop I threw out after reading the headline. I figure they write headlines like this so they can include a pretty picture of candy at the top.


With All of This Soccer Madness

I figure with the world cup going on I should at the very least post an appropriate candy commercial. It's funny when you watch this commercial you think it's just a funny joke, but I'm pretty sure there must be some reality to it.


Bubbles Chocolate?

I've never heard of or tried this "Bubbles Chocolate" but it sounds ok, and it sounds like it's getting really popular all over North America. I'll have to try and find myself a bar of it and maybe give it a review. The main reason I posted this article about the mass distribution of this new treat is so I could quote the CEO of Bubbles Chocolate when he said "Americans are ready for aerated chocolate". Now that's a statement.


More News About Cocoa To Bar Factories

I can't remember if I've mentioned this particular plant before but it really appears as that many chocolate companies are starting to manufacture chocolate from bean all the way to bar. This is great news and I think the next trend we'll start to see is more small companies doing the same.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Candy Crime

Stealing candy is just wrong, think about all the people that put their time into making those snacks. If anybody knows the man who committed the crime in the article bellow please contact authorities.


Chocolate Body Parts

I just got a look at these absolutely stunning chocolate creations from Bouchees Doubles. They've re-created sections of body parts out of chocolate. The re-creations look as though they've been cast out of real body parts and they look spectacular. It might be a little strange however to eat someone else's belly button for a treat.


Hey Boing Boing, Welcome To the Candy Critic Racket

It appears Boing Boing is entering the ring and starting to review candy. They just posted a whole collection of licorice reviews on their site and I'm not worried at all about the competition. Mostly because now when someone tells me I should start reviewing more licorice I can point them in the direction of this link and avoid eating the stuff myself (I'm not a big fan).


The Candy Factories They Keep-a-comin'

I just finished reading this article about a new candy factory that they're planning to build in Scotland and one detail really stood out for me. Apparently they had to wait for the application paper work to be approved. Now I went to school for a couple of years right behind a candy factory, and it smelled great every morning. This factory would also bring jobs into the community, and I'm not sure but I doubt that candy factories really pollute that bad. Why in the world would they have to wait for approval, it's pretty much a win/win situation for the community.


New Type Of Sweet

I love the idea of natural sweeteners, although I have to admit I have very little understanding of it. I love the idea because all of these new natural sweeteners allow for a larger variety of flavours in treats, and variety is really one of the most important parts of sweet treats in my book. My lack of understanding comes from the word "natural", how is one type of sweetener more natural than another, what's the definition? In my opinion any sweetener that is added to something else that isn't in it's original form is not natural. The only way to get truly natural sugar is to eat some fruit.


Natural is the New Low Fat

Apparently using the words "low fat" is becoming less popular and using the words "natural" is becoming more popular. It worries me a little because I'm not really sure how "natural" is really that much more healthy for you than un-natural.


Jelly Belly Finger Nail

I love the format of this really tall ad for Jelly Bellies. But the thing I can't ignore is the fingernails of the hand pulling at the Jelly Bellies. If you had any doubt that this advertisement was made in the 80's the style of manicure would clear that up quickly.


A Festival I Can Get Into

Apparently every year in Brawley California they have a festival dedicated to sugar. It's put on by the local sugar processing plant and it's a great idea. It's great to see a little bit of local history and learn about a great ingredient.

Click here to learn about it yourself.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

For All Of You That Thought I Wasn't Cool

Apparently Jay-Z is a candy fanatic as well. I'm not sure, but I've heard from others that this Jay-Z fellow is considered kind of cool himself. So by association I too must be cool. After all I was "into" candy long before this became public. Who knows, maybe Jay-Z is following my trend.


Best Chips

Kettle brand baked potato chips apparently have one a spot in the Taster's Choice Hall of Fame. They beat out several other brands of chips to be crowned the best.


Chocolate Lawsuit Could Buy a Lot Of Chocolate

Here in Canada we have a lawsuit brewing that claims chocolate bar companies (the big ones) have collaborated in order to over charge on chocolate treats. This kind of thing is actually illegal and it basically says that these companies have been ripping us off. Now I'm not a big fan of being ripped off, but on the other hand I don't want the chocolate bar companies to just get frustrated and leave. So here's my plan, we take the lawsuit money, we buy chocolate bars with it, and we all sit around for a day enjoying our favorite bar. This way everyone is happy.


A Cute Little Book About Chocolate

I just came across an article about what looks like the cutest little book about chocolate. The content seems interesting and the cover makes me want to take a bite out of it.


A Sundae With Booze On Top

Apparently a company has finally manufactured spray on whipped cream with booze in it. I'm not saying that it's not classy, but I just can't see the Queen of England sitting back with a can. I'm just saying.


Some Candy History

Take yourself on a voyage through candy history. The article bellow is a great tour if Mansfield's candy history. The first sentence of the story reminds me of going to school a few years back, my school was right behind a chocolate bar factory. The smell was spectacular on some mornings.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eating Sweets Is Instinct

Or at least that what this article says. It basically says that it's not your fault if you really want to chow on a bar, it's in your instincts to survive. I'm not sure I buy that idea, but hey, I'm not scientist and I can't argue.


Cocoa Powder That Isn't Bitter

Leave it to science to discover a way to make a cocoa powder that isn't bitter. Out of France comes this new dark powder that apparently doesn't require a ton of sugar to take off the edge.


Hershey's In Dubai!

Hershey has just opened a store in Dubai, and they plan to open more. Now I'm not sure how Hershey's chocolate holds up in the warm Middle Eastern sun, so you might want to eat your chocolate quick.


The Psychology of Eating Chocolates

I'm not sure if this article has any scientific backing at all, but it's still pretty cool. What kind of chocolate eater are you?


Think You've Seen Every Cupcake Theme?

How about cupcakes based off of famous Washington DC landmarks and people?


The People Of Maine Want Cheap Candy

According to this article they've voted against the tax hike on sweet treats. Good Work!


Have You Had Breakfast Yet?

No? Well might I suggest making yourself the following treat?


Greatest M&Ms Ever

Recently a friend of mine picked me up what could possibly be the greatest bag of plain M&Ms ever. Or at the very least the coolest bag I've ever seen. He got them on a tour of the American Embassy here in Ottawa.
These are official United States of America approved M&Ms. I've heard rumors that they have these in the White House as well. Now I love my country (Canada) but I have to say that you Americans have certain things in the right place.


A List of The Largest Foods

Ever wanted to take a bite out of the worlds largest wedding cake? How about the largest cookie? Even a lick of the largest lollipop would be ok, but only if you where first I guess.


Monday, June 14, 2010

The State Fair Food

One of my loves in this world is "Carney Food". Carney Food is pretty much any food one finds at a fair, carnival, or really any kind of street/fairground event. Often this food is made in cookeries that are mobile, and most of it is not very healthy for you. You can find different variations of this food all over the world, and I think if I ever get the time and money I'm going to sample it all.


Some Facts About Sugar Free

A brilliant article bellow gives you some warning about claims of sugar free. As stated in the article we know that sugar free is good for those with diabetes, however if you're eating sugar free because you want to lose weight you might want to make sure any other ingredients aren't still creating a problem.


I Love A Retro Look

While trying to come up with a new look for, I've been considering going a little retro. The folks at Mello Yello have have done just that and it looks spectacular. It's a great design and really inspirational.


Do You Know What You're Going To Eat?

The slide show linked bellow is a clever collection of "Food Disguised As Other Food" including (and mostly) cakes designed to look like savory meal type foods. It's pretty cool.


Make Your Own Hershey Bar Factory Opens

I can't believe such a big event would happen and all they have is one stinking photo. To me this is bigger than the world cup, any natural disasters this year, and Christmas all rolled up into one. The article bellow talks about the new attraction and has the one photo. Hey folks at Hershey, send me down there and I'll take a million photos and be sure that the world knows about the chocolate creation I have in mind to make on this cool tour.


The Caramel/Butterscotch Question

The question is this: What is the official difference between Caramel and Butterscotch? I've sent out a few request in the candy world and I welcome you to chime in too. I'm pretty sure there is a difference however I can't seem to nail it down.


Some People Don't Understand How Important Labels Are

Kroger grocery store has apparently recalled a bunch of ice cream because the type of nut listed is in fact incorrect. Now I'm sure that the folks at this store have some good ideas of what they'll do with the perfectly fine contents of these mislabeled ice cream tubs... My address if available upon request.


All Natural Treats and Snacks

You know when a company is shifting towards all natural ingredients that it's really becoming a big deal in the industry. I figure this trend will continue, only because people are willing to pay for local and all natural. I just hope that people don't mistake "local and all natural" for healthy. I say this because that kind of implication leads to more trouble in the candy industry than good. Sugary and salty treats are still not too healthy when eaten to excessively even if they're natural. A lbs of sugar is an lbs of sugar no matter how you get it. This idea should focus more on the economic advantages this kind of production has on economies rather than heath for the individual.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ice Cream Review

Man is it hot today, I mean it's really hot, it's so hot out today that I don't even really know how hot it is. I say that because I've been inside all day with cool air conditioning blowing in my face. However I imagine that if I don't want to go outside so badly then chances are it's really hot out, or at least I imagine it is. This is exactly the reason why today is the perfect day to add an ice cream treat to my collection of reviews.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Donuts in The Morning

I've never made my own donuts, only because I figure it's a lot of work, and I'm really lazy. I just can't justify putting that kind of time forward when it costs like 75 cents to buy one. The article bellow is not so much recipes for donuts, but a hart warming story about donuts. There are a few tips mixed into the story as well, so if you feel adventurous you can give it a try.


New Peanuts Are Good Peanuts

Apparently they're developing peanuts that don't affect people with allergies. I guess this is a good idea, as long as it doesn't affect the taste or cause strange mutations for future generations. I doubt the later but the first point is a concern.


Sweet Nostalgia

Nostalgic candy is starting to become sort of a strange term. I say that because for many years now the candy industry has made a business in bringing back old candies out of retirement. It's confusing because to some these old candies are a memory from the past while in other cases these candies are brand new. 10 years down the line, these old candies are once again nostalgic but to a new group of people, and maybe new for another generation.


Chocolate From Home

Chocolate artist and manufacturers all over the world are starting to really think about where they buy their chocolate. I think with the market opening up more and more countries are starting to produce the beans locally. This becomes a key selling point to some businesses because they not only support the community but also save a bundle on shipping.


The Pride of Any Town Should Be The Food

In this particular case the pride of Dakota is chocolate. This article is about what the candy industry is really built off of. The idea of a small company making candy by hand, doing something for the community. If you look at the history of many of the larger candy companies this is exactly how they got their start.


This commercial starts out slow... but wait for it... wait for it... awesomeness.


My Buddy Randy Must Be Sad

See my buddy/neighbour Randy is a huge Flyers fan, and he must be sad that they lost. I haven't seen him around since they lost so that means something. I just wanted to say that before I posted a link about the French Pastry School in Chicago and the tribute they made to support their winning team.


Candy Stores Closing Down

Even if I've never been to the store, it always makes me sad when a candy store closes down. In fact if it's one I've never been to it makes me a little sadder. I'm sad because it's an opportunity lost to check out a new place with the possibility of new treats that I haven't sampled.


I Invest In Chocolate

I invest in chocolate but I don't get any return at all. Maybe that's because the way I invest in chocolate is to buy a ton of chocolate bars and then I eat them. I guess I get a little happiness, but it's then turned into a feeling of regret for eating all of that chocolate. If you are interested in wisely investing in chocolate I recommend reading this article.


Candy For Your Pets

Once when I was a teenager I thought that animals loved human food. As it turns out this is actually pretty true. In this particular case I thought that my pet bird would really enjoy a Combos pretzel snack. The bird was ok with it for about 5 minutes, then for the first time in my life I saw a bird throw up. Now the bird was fine and no harm was done, however it taught me a lesson... well two actually. First of all just because we eat something doesn't mean that a pet should, and second, birds can throw up. The article bellow seems to prove me wrong, but what do I know.


Caramel Caramel Caramel

Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Milkyway is apparently going caramel crazy Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Free Cookies

Why are you even reading this, click the link and find out how to get your free cookies from Nabisco on their Facebook page.