Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Hope you guys score lots of candy tonight.


Cool Ring Art

SouZouCreations' on Etsy has a great selection of mini Japanese food jewelry.
It's funny how the words "mini Japanese food jewelry" can make sense in this particular context.  In any other context it would seem really strange.
These little pieces of art are great and would make you the envy of any of your night club friends.

Click here to check out some more of SouZouCreations'.

Do you make candy art, we'd love to hear about it.


Kids That Need Sugar Are Scary

Kids' Halloween Rap: Gettin' Sugar High - Watch MoreFunny Videos

A quick video that doesn't sugar coat how kids feel about Halloween.


Monday's Candy Links

Scandinavian sweets are becoming very popular in the United States, that's good news, trust me.

Here's 23 Brilliant Logos With Hidden Messages, including Toblerone, Baskin Robins, and Tostitos.

Check out Sweet Angel Chocolate in Toronto.

Here are some last minute Halloween links I found today:

Don't have a costume yet? Here's some tips to making your own candy themed Halloween costume.

How well do you know your Halloween breakfast cereals?

Scary gross looking cakes, perfect for those that want to think their drinking blood, but are too chicken to do the real thing.

Have you ever wondered why candy is associated with Halloween in the first place?  Well wonder no more.

Cool glowing Halloween candy, a DIY project that looks great.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Last Of The Bar Review

I finish this weeks Bar Review-a-Thon with the perfect example of why some bars are not chocolate bars, but instead should be called either candy bars or just bars.  This review also gives you some insight as to why someone like myself might not be considered the sharpest tool in the shed.

Click here to read the last bar review in the Bar Review-a-Thon.


Friday, October 28, 2011

German Chocolate... Represent!

On a recent trip to Germany, Allison got this photo of a giant model of a building made of chocolate.  I'm told that the building is of the German parliament.  This is a very good way to get people like me interested in international politics.


Friday's Candy Links

The history of prizes in cereal boxes.

Great Alton Brown interview where he gives his favorite ice cream recipe.  Hint, it contains gummy bears, but not the green ones.

I'm always afraid of getting arthritis because I'm always drawing and typing.  Now I've learned that eating chocolate might help prevent it, the world is a wonderful place.

Candy sales in Japan are slumping, it's because of the old and healthy people.

Cybele May from our friends at Candy Blog gives her take on candy wrappers and Halloween.


Would You Like a Reason To Never Eat Ice Cream Again?

Just watch this video next time you get a craving for ice cream and it should turn you off for a bit.


Bars Called Mr.

There are so many bars in this world that have earned the moniker "Mr".  Mr. Goodbar, Mr. Big, and now Mr. Tom, I wonder what Sigmund Freud would say about this?  I choose not to think about this kind of thing too much, only because it will make me feel like a brute instead of the sensitive guy that I am.

Click here to read today's addition to the Bar Review-a-Thon.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stuff I Want To Try

Fannie May, Norman Love Chocolate Line - Made by: Fannie May - Why: With chocolate flavours such as lemonade and birthday cake, who wouldn't want to try it? - Click here to learn more about this treat.


No Costume, No Candy!

This first kid is a wizzard, the second kid is a cat, the third kid appears to be some kind of clown, the fourth kid... I don't think he's wearing a costume, yet he's getting candy, that's not right!

Ad found on Vintage Ad Browser.


Mushrooms and Gumballs

Gum Balls 02 print
Gum Balls 02 by candycritic
make money as an artist using Zazzle.
I can't say that this poster is really scary, but it is strange, and strange is a fine gift for Halloween.  So pick one up and decorate your friends walls.


Thursday's Candy Links

Chocolate, it's not just for candy, you can cook with it too.

Global warming might equal a huge chocolate shortage, from now on I walk everywhere.

An education about the difference between chocolate as candy and chocolate as a food, from a chocolate snob.

While you're worrying about the chocolate shortage, here's a little more information about the current peanut shortage.

Just My Show, a great podcast about all things retro has an interview with Ross Born, CEO of Just Born.  Did you know that some say they invented ice cream Jimmies?


A Must, In The Bar Review-a-Thon

I think it's wrong to have any kind of candy bar review-a-thon without including at least one Kit Kat variation.  When people ask me what my favorite candy I first say anything that's creative and fun.  If prodded for a more specific answer I'll go with the Kit Kat.  It's one of the few bars that I enjoy the variations, and the basic is the only perfect review on this site.

Click here to read the latest Kit Kat review in our Bar Review-a-Thon.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nuts On Ice Cream

For the last few months I've been trying to write an article about how to best enjoy nuts.  I've been thinking about all of the ways and treats nuts are presented with.  The problem I've had writing this article is which kind of nut should I use for this experiment. Then it crossed my mind, I should first pick out my favorite nut toping and then focus on what to mix it with.  So I decided that I would do a taste test with a simple yet high quality vanilla ice cream.  I'll sample 5 different nuts on the ice cream and decide which nut makes the best toping.  The 5 nuts I choose to experiment with are walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts.
The first nut I tried with the ice cream was peanut.  I should mention that these peanuts were salted peanuts.  For those that have never tried ice cream with salted peanuts I recomend it highly.  The nice roasted flavour of the peanut was strong enough to cut through the vanilla flavour of the ice cream, but it didn't overpower.  The texture of the peanut is relatively soft compared to many nuts so it didn't really have a great "crunch" but instead it's almost a vegetable crunch.  I guess that's why they're not nuts but legumes.
The next nut I tried was the walnut.  It too has a softer texture like the peanut, but the flavour is much more subtle.  I only sprinkled a little on my scoop of vanilla ice cream and frankly the flavour was almost totally lost.  It's not that it doesn't go well on deserts, it just has to be really amplified to work well.  I think if you want walnut to work you either have to load it up to a high degree with walnut or ad walnut flavour to the ice cream.
The next nut I tried was almonds.  Almonds had a great crunch to them but the flavour, like the walnut, was really subtle.  I think even if you increased the almond flavour, either by adding more or by flavouring the ice cream with almond, it still wouldn't work as well as it might with peanuts or even walnuts.  The almond flavour seems to work really well in baked goods, but in ice cream I have yet to be convinced of its superiority.
Hazel nuts are the next nut in the line.  With the hazel nut you have a great texture and the flavour is somewhere between walnuts and peanuts in strength.  In this case I'm wondering if the flavour would have worked better with a chocolate ice cream, since that's traditionally what is paired with hazelnuts.
The final nut I used to flavour my ice cream was the pistachio.  Now this is a nut that has a really unique flavour.  It's not that it doesn't work well with the ice cream, it just creates a completely new flavour that some might not enjoy.  I didn't mind it, but I also love pistachios.  Strangely I often really hate most pistachio ice creams.  I think for the pistachio to work with ice cream it has to be as a garnish rather than the focus.  I could also see many problems with mixing this with other flavours of ice cream, in particular anything fruity.
I have to say that at the end of the day I preferred the peanuts on my ice cream.  The flavour adds a nice roasted flavour and the texture works fairly well.  That's not to say that I won't ever go with other nuts in the future, in fact with some fancier ice cream flavours, other nuts might work a little better.


Wednesday's Candy Links

Here's a quick look at what makes Japanese candy so cool... Just in case I haven't convinced you already.

New Sour Patch Kids video game "follows the story of a Sour Patch Kid character as it attempts to fulfill its destiny to be eaten", a little strange no?

An interview with McCormick’s first chief science officer, candy and science are a cool combination.

Halloween cream eggs from Cadbury... "Scream Eggs"?


The Bar Review-a-Thon Gets Chewy

This bar is precisely the reason I'm calling this a "bar" review-a-thon, rather than a "chocolate bar" review-a-thon.  If I posted this as a chocolate bar, I would get as many as two complaints... maybe.  This bar however deserves our respect, after all it has a pretty cool history.

Click here to read the history and the review.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What are You Hoping To Score On Halloween

I asked my sweet tooth friends on Twitter and Facebook about what they're hoping to score this Halloween.  In an overwhelming decision, most people thought that mini chocolate bars are the king of all Halloween booty.  While I agree that they are a fine treat to get, full size bars are even better... but what do I know.  Those molasses candy kisses and, strangely, rockets rounded up the list of least favorite.  However the best answer I got for least favorite came from @candypam "Anything trying to impersonate a Halloween candy - apple, pretzels, etc.".  I couldn't agree more.


Stuff I Want To Try

Walnettos - Made by: Sandy Licht - Why:  Because walnuts are yummy. - Click here to learn more about this treat.


Tuesday's Candy Links

Naturally coloured and flavoured marshmallows, is this something people want?

Have you heard that Taco Bell has introduced a Doritos taco shell, you can only get it in some places, here's where.

Peanut butter and jam are going to be extinct soon, better buy it before the price skyrockets.

Happy 100th birthday Wrigley's!


Bar Review-a-Thon Question...

Does a chocolate or candy bar have to be rectangular?  While scarfing down a few bars as of late, I've realized that for the most part bars are pretty consistent in their shape.  While not all are perfect rectangles, such as the Baby Ruth or Oh Henry bar, they still have that basic long format.  The only exception is the Ritter Sport bar that's more square.  But then what about Peppermint Paddies, are they bars?  Can a bar be circular or triangular?

Click here to read the latest bar review in the Bar Review-a-Thon.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday's Candy Links

Big company rips off smaller artist for T-shirt, both t-shirts are candy awesome.

Have you ever tried "Miracle Berries"?  I haven't, but I want to so bad.

Serious Eats covers the sweet treats at the New York City Wine and Food Festival.

Is the bad economy affecting your Halloween habits, apparently not.

Personalized boxes of chocolates from Nestle are coming soon, the future is here.


Bags of Flour Covered in Chocolate, or a Big Cake?

I can't say I understand all of the modern art I see, but I like that people make me think.  In particular I like when people make me think about sweet treats.

This is where I found this cake.


Bar Review-a-Thon Continues

Some might argue that I should call this particular review-a-thon a "Chocolate Bar" review-a-thon, but I disagree.  I believe that to be labeled a "chocolate" bar your snack must be mostly chocolate (like 80 to 90 percent).  Any less than that and you have a "candy" bar.  This becomes even more complicated when you're dealing with treats that look and feel like chocolate but are in fact made up of other things like carob.  So to simplify things I figured that this particular collection of treats should simply be called bars.  It keeps them on an equal footing.

Click here to read about the latest bar.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just Before Halloween Review-A-Thon

This week is going to be a week filled with new reviews.  In particular I'm focusing on the most popular type of treat that everybody seems to want in their bags on Halloween, bars.  So all this week I will be reviewing bars left right and center, more than one a day... I hope.

Click here to read the first of many in our "Bar Review-A-Thon"!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Cool Looking, Homemade, Halloween Candy Treat Idea - Part 5

Every day this week I'm going to feature a really cool do it yourself Halloween candy project.  The cool thing about each of these projects is that they look fantastic.  Even cooler, the people who made these tell you how you can make them yourself as well.  So if you're up to making some great looking Halloween treats this year you might want to give these a try.
One of the keys to making a really good bug themed treat is the texture.  It needs a little crunch and a little goo to make the effect perfect.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Lewis Black Talks About Candy Corn

You either love candy corn on Halloween or you absolutely hate it.  Lewis Black is not shy about his opinion on the matter.


Friday's Candy Links

Do you make chocolates?  Are you selling to Asia?  You might want to read this.

Here's a collection of re-named candy bars that tell you what to expect (NSFW advertising all over this page).

That Katy Perry girl really likes candy, here's an explanation why.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cool Looking, Homemade, Halloween Candy Treat Idea - Part 4

Every day this week I'm going to feature a really cool do it yourself Halloween candy project.  The cool thing about each of these projects is that they look fantastic.  Even cooler, the people who made these tell you how you can make them yourself as well.  So if you're up to making some great looking Halloween treats this year you might want to give these a try.
Of all of the treats I'm posting this week, I find this one the hardest to imagine eating.  For some reason eating eyeballs just doesn't sit right with me.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Orange Really is The Colour Of Halloween

It's amazing how many candies come in orange for this holiday season.  The thing that baffles me is that they also flavour them orange as well.  I always associate orange with summer and hot weather (although oranges often grow in places during the winter), so I wonder why no one has attempted to make a different orange flavoured treat.  Maybe something that's a little more "fall" themed.

Ad found on Vintage Ad Browser.


Thursday's Candy Links

Did you know that Bruges is “the world’s chocolate capital”?

Not everybody agrees with Fair Trade, some believe that it doesn't work at all.

Eating candied bugs is becoming more and more trendy in Australia.  Now do you see why I don't like trends?

Just in time for Halloween, Boing Boing posted what I can only describe as the best cereal monsters fan art ever.


Stuff I Want To Try

Cake Bites - Made by: Baskin-Robbins - Why: The only thing better than one cake is many cakes, and with the smaller size, you can eat a dozen cakes in one sitting. - Click here to learn more about this treat.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cool Looking, Homemade, Halloween Candy Treat Idea - Part 3

Every day this week I'm going to feature a really cool do it yourself Halloween candy project.  The cool thing about each of these projects is that they look fantastic.  Even cooler, the people who made these tell you how you can make them yourself as well.  So if you're up to making some great looking Halloween treats this year you might want to give these a try.
The great thing about this idea is you don't even have to worry about what you put into the treat.  As long as you attach eyes to the top of a whipped cream peak, you'll have cool looking ghosts.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Stuff I Want To Try

The World's Most Expensive Dessert - Made by: Wave Jewelry and Chef Marc Guilbert - Why: Sometimes you just have to treat yourself. - Click here to learn more about this treat.


Wednesday's Candy Links

"The Food Truck: A Photographic Retrospective" has some great shots of sweet treats on wheels.

Dylan's Candy Bar in New York has a great looking window for Halloween.

Apparently eating "gluten free" is now trendy... Why is this trendy?

Candy tax in Illinois... really a candy tax, how about a not telling the truth about how healthy your "healthy" food really is tax too.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cool Looking, Homemade, Halloween Candy Treat Idea - Part 2

Every day this week I'm going to feature a really cool do it yourself Halloween candy project.  The cool thing about each of these projects is that they look fantastic.  Even cooler, the people who made these tell you how you can make them yourself as well.  So if you're up to making some great looking Halloween treats this year you might want to give these a try.
My favorite thing about these witches hats is that they seem fairly simple to make. Actually my favorite thing about them is that they're full of candy.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Scary Teeth Poster For Sale

Fangs Poster print
Browse more Gummies Posters
This would make a great Halloween gift for any candy fanatic.  That and it helps support this site.


Tuesday's Candy Links

Fair trade treats on Halloween, it's a good idea and getting easier to do everyday.

"Kids' Sugar Cravings Might Be Biological", what about my sugar cravings?

Controversial ice cream costume, not sure if this is real news or fake, but it's still funny.

Did you know October is "Fair Trade Month"?

Yum Sugar wants to know what's your favorite candy, it can win you a bunch of free candy and they're questions are very good at helping you pick your favorite.


It's National Chocolate Cupcake Day

Like you needed a reason to eat a chocolate cupcake today.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Cool Looking, Homemade, Halloween Candy Treat Idea - Part 1

Every day this week I'm going to feature a really cool do it yourself Halloween candy project.  The cool thing about each of these projects is that they look fantastic.  Even cooler, the people who made these tell you how you can make them yourself as well.  So if you're up to making some great looking Halloween treats this year you might want to give these a try.
  These skulls are absolutely awesome.  They're a little complicated to make, but if you've got the chocolate making patience you might want to give them a try.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Gummies Art Go Boom!

I came across Chandra Bocci's awesome art collection and I was blow away by her use of everyday objects to create some amazing effects.  Of course, I was particularly taken by her use of sweet treats, in particular this piece called "Gummi Big Bang".

Click here to check out some of Chandra's other art.

If you have cool candy art let us know.


Halloween Candy Health Link Round Up... Part 2

Here are some tips to make sure you don't go too crazy on Halloween.

Another dentist has some tips about how to make sure your teeth don't suffer too much this year.

Although these tips are pretty similar to many I've read before, I love the fact that they reference the idea of using a pillow to collect your loot on Halloween.

This seems odd, so many dentists offering advise on how to eat candy and a large amount are also giving out candy, I sense a conspiracy.


Monday's Candy Links

Pet themed cookies... I never thought I'd ever link to a pet lovers site.

Tesco has beefed up security in the candy isle because chocolate bars have become a huge target for thieves.

Learn a little more about chocolate in with 5 keys to understanding cocoa.

Kids are using gummy bears to sneak booze into schools, why don't they just sneak it in the old fashioned way, a small flask hidden in a small pocket, or in your thermos.

Chocolatiers know the most important rule of chocolate, quality over quantity.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

With This Ring Pop...

Did you know that Mariah Carey got a Ring Pop as an anniversary gift from her boyfriend Nick Cannon?  I don't think it was edible because it was covered with shinny rocks (I assume diamonds but I don't care to speculate).  The way I look at it, I would be disappointed with this kind of gesture.  Think of all of the real Ring Pops one could buy with that kind of dough.  As much as sparkly things interest me, it's a fleeting interest, but my interest in candy has held out for... well my who life so far.

Click here to read my Ring Pop review.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Stuff I Want To Try

Dark Milk Chocolate + Black Licorice bar - Made by: Askinosie Chocolate in partnership with Swedish licorice supplier Martin Jorgensen - Why: Because it's very rare that I get to try a flavour combination that I've never even imagined. - Click here to learn more about this treat.


Candy Corn Cooking Part 5

Most people's opinion about candy corn is extreme, you either love it or hate it.  The popular opinion I find is to hate it, however I've decided to help out my candy corn loving friends out there by presenting you fun ways cook with, or in honor of, candy corn with a link to a new recipe every day this week.
The idea of just adding candy corn to your cookies is a brilliant idea.  It's certainly one of those ideas that I can't believe I didn't think of myself.  I probably didn't think of it myself because I don't really bake, unless it comes out of a can.

Click here to learn how to bake cookies.


It's National Chocolate-Covered Insects Day

I'm just glad it's not national eat a chocolate-covered insect day.


Friday's Candy Links

Check out Grandpa Bob's candy store, in Rochester.

I love pancakes, and I love sitting around doing nothings, that's why I love these pillows.

Mars goes fair trade in the UK and Ireland, I like that more big companies are going fair trade, soon it will be the norm.

If you're in Chicago this weekend, make sure you check out the Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser, some serious candy fun going on.

Check out Lollishop if you're in the Orange County, California area.

Worlds largest chocolate bar is debuted and it weighs 6 tonnes.


Fruit Snack Commercial is...

What the hell is going on in this commercial.  I can tell you now that although there is no nudity, no swearing, and no extreme violence, this commercial is not safe for children or the faint at heart.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Old Time Candy Packs

Allan Peters has amassed a great collection of photos of vintage packaging and advertisements.  Included is this Mounds box that has the greatest slogan I've ever heard.

Click here to check out Allan's collection.


Candy Corn Cooking Part 4

Most people's opinion about candy corn is extreme, you either love it or hate it.  The popular opinion I find is to hate it, however I've decided to help out my candy corn loving friends out there by presenting you fun ways cook with, or in honor of, candy corn with a link to a new recipe every day this week.
This is another recipe that doesn't use candy corn, but instead makes a candy corn inspired treat.  While I recommend you give this a try, I'm a little confused by it.  First of all the treat is about dipping bugles in chocolate to make them look like candy corns.  Now I've never tried chocolate covered bugles, but it sounds a little strange.  Secondly, if you're going to ad sweet to your party mix, why not just ad candy corns, if people don't like them, they can always pick them out.

Click here to learn how to dip bugles in chocolate.


Thursday's Candy Links

So how much sugar does the average Canadian eat?  I wonder how I skew those statistics?

Make sure to check out Cocoashak in New Cheshire.

Some notes from the second annual Caribbean Fine Cocoa Conference & Chocolate Expo.

Tell me, is there a lot of Halloween stuff in your neck of the woods, New York is apparently being overrun with sweet treats.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stuff I Want To Try

Mike and Ike RedRageous! - Made by: Just Born - Why: Because red is a nice colour, and apparently this candy is a prize winner. - Click here to learn more about this treat.


A Fellow Candy Fan Needs Help!

I'm going to call upon all of my friends, followers, and even my enemies to help out a fellow candy fan.  @Viennaberry recently Tweeted to me a very sad fact.  Viennaberry has never tried candy corn.  To me thi is an experience everyone is entitled to.  The problem is that Viennaberry lives in the UK, where they don't sell the stuff apparently.  So I'm asking anybody that thinks they can help out this situation to drop a comment or send me a message.  If you help me out I'll give you a great plug on this blog and you'll also get my eternal gratitude.


Candy Corn Cooking Part 3

Most people's opinion about candy corn is extreme, you either love it or hate it.  The popular opinion I find is to hate it, however I've decided to help out my candy corn loving friends out there by presenting you fun ways cook with, or in honor of, candy corn with a link to a new recipe every day this week.
Candy corn inspired cookies!...  I think this might be the one snack that candy corn haters and candy corn lovers might be able to agree on.  Mostly because although they look like candy corn, you can pretty much flavour the cookies any way you like.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Chocolate From Around The World

As of late, chocolate fans have really started to pay attention to where all of their chocolate comes from.  Single source chocolate has become very important to some people.  People choose this kind of chocolate because they believe it to be more ethical or environmental.  The ethics of chocolate can be seen on the surface, however, what about the taste of different chocolates?  Is there a difference between flavour a chocolate made in Ecuador and Trinidad?  I came across a box of chocolates made by J.D. Gross of Germany,  each chocolate contains beans from one particular region of the world, so I'm going to taste test these square to find out if there are any differences in flavour.
First we have the Amazonas chocoalte, it's fairly subtles with a smooth chocoalte flavour. It's not very fruity or very nutty, it has just a hint of a bitter aftertaste.
Even more subtle, at first, than the Amzona, the Ecuador flavour catches up with you and is extemely strong and nutty. The bitter aftertaste is not nearly as strong as the Amazonas either.  This chocolate almost has a refreshing aftertaste, which is strange for a dark chocolate.
The Trinidad chocolate is much nuttier than the first two, and much less fruity as well.  Similar to the Ecuador the aftertaste is much more subtle but the flavour seems more consistant and unchanging as I eat it.
This is easily the fruitiest chocolate from this collection.  The Venezuela has a much less bitter aftertaste than the Trinidad and the Amazona, it is also much more refreshing throughout.  So it appears that regional chocolates do have a different flavour.  It could be the type of cocoa they use (since there are three main varieties used in cocoa production), or it could be the environment that changes the flavour.  Frankly my knowledge of the actual cocoa bean is fairly minimal and I think it's something I should really look into.


Gummy Bear On a Rock

Gummy Bear 02 print
Gummy Bear 02 by candycritic
Join's art affiliate program
He's cute, but he could attack at any moment.  Why not pick up this cute/scary gummy bear poster, and help make this site that much cooler.


Wednesday's Candy Links

Planning to keep track how many calories you scarf down on Halloween?  Here's some help.

Learn how the chocolate is made at Mast Brothers Chocolate in Brooklyn, from "Bean to Bar".

Some information about Stevia, a new sweet substitute that's gaining some attention.

This peanut shortage is real... really scary.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Candy Website Review - Magic Pleasure Hunt

Does the idea of running around the internet, moving things around, and generally causing a ruckus, while collecting chocolates hidden all over the place sound like fun to you?  Well it sure does for me.  I love it when online games take you from website to website and allow you to interact with the elements in fun games.  This "Magic Pleasure Hunt" is really... well pleasurable.  The only fault I can find with this game is it really doesn't actually promote the ice cream that well.

Click here to try it out yourself.


Tuesday's Candy Links

We've seen grapes that taste like cotton candy, now strawberries that taste like bubblegum... What's next, honey dew melons that don't taste bad?

So how much vitamin C is actually in that fruity gummy you're eating.  If the answer surprises you, then you're not realistic about your candy intake.

Boing Boing pointed out a really creepy but also beautiful gallery of skull confectionery art.

The following job is real: Job: Cult of Jaffa - Social Secretary.  If you love Jaffa cakes you might want to apply.


Candy Corn Cooking Part 2

Most people's opinion about candy corn is extreme, you either love it or hate it.  The popular opinion I find is to hate it, however I've decided to help out my candy corn loving friends out there by presenting you fun ways cook with, or in honor of, candy corn with a link to a new recipe every day this week.
What better way to celebrate Halloween with your friends then handing out candy corn jello shots.  I'm not sure why they use orange peels as the container, but either way, it'll get you drunk and remind you about when you where a kid all at the same time.

Click here to learn how to make these.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Candy Health Link Round Up... Part 1?

Every year when Halloween approaches I'm inundated with articles, links, and stories about Halloween health.  Some are good advice, some are silly, and some tell you not to eat candy (bad advice).  It's barely the begining of the month and the collection has started strong:

News 8 explains how candy should be eaten in moderation.

Here's some advice about tooth decay and Halloween candy.

Here's yet another.

It appears that so far dental care seems to be the panic health trend this Halloween, because here's yet another story on that subject.


Candy Corn Cooking Part 1

Most people's opinion about candy corn is extreme, you either love it or hate it.  The popular opinion I find is to hate it, however I've decided to help out my candy corn loving friends out there by presenting you fun ways cook with, or in honor of, candy corn with a link to a new recipe every day this week.
Today's recipe for Candy Corn Cheesecake Mousse looks tasty, I particularly like the addition of a real candy corn on the top.


Our Friends At Beware The Cheese

I thought today I'd feature some of the candy photos from our sister site
They shoot all of our candy photographs for the reviews and the blog, you can check out some more of their candy photos here.
You can also check out their Tumblr page.

Do you make candy art? Let us know and we'll feature you too.