Friday, March 09, 2012

Trying to Get an Agent/Publisher - Rejection 14

As you may or may not know, I'm trying to sell a Candy Critic book idea. If you know (or are) someone that can help me out, say hello.  If not, please enjoy my now regular posts of rejections I've received from agents and publishers.

"Dear Chris

Thank you for your query.  This project just does not fit in with our current list so we are going to respectfully pass, but we wish you well for its success."



kat said...

Just a few tips from my own experience.

1. Publishing is a business, and thousands of dollars are invested in a single book. What's your market? Who will buy it? Are you ready to promote it for 5 years? How much profit will it make the publisher?

2. Your credentials: What's your platform outside of this blog? Where have you won publication (i.e., major newspaper, magazine, etc.)? What makes you the best person to write this book? What expertise do you have that sets you apart from similar CC people?

3. Rejection: Successful people invest time in going forward, not looking back. Also, consider that announcing rejections can make another agent think twice, Googling you and see that someone else didn't snap it up. Why make it public?

4. If agents are saying your project doesn't fit with their current list, it usually means you didn't research their specs on what they represent or what genre they're looking for.

What gives me the license to say any of this? I've won publication, been invited to write for big names without submitting an application and have published a book, with another on the way. It doesn't make me an expert, of course. But my experience may help refine your approach.

Chris Stewart said...

I've been told the key to this experience is to have a good pitch, finish the book before you try and sell it, and be patient. While I publish many of the rejections here, I do actually get some positive feedback as well. Fingers crossed something will come out of it. Thanks for your advice Kat.