Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It's Time For Another Episode Of Junk Fud On The Road!

This ones a little late this month because we couldn't record it till after our trip to New York.  You'd think that it would be because we wanted to do an episode on New York, but that's not the case.  This week's episode is all about Pakistan.  It's a place where we lived for a few years, and a place that's pretty interesting to talk about food wise.  Keep in mind when you listen to this, that most countries advise against visiting Pakistan right now, for personal safety reasons.

If you want to keep up with all of our podcasts, you can follow us on Sound Cloud or YouTube.

You can also find everything at


A Pizza (Not) Candy Pool Thing

You have to buy at least 8 of these so you can have a whole pizza.


Monday, November 28, 2016

This Week In Candy

We're back from New York, and what a fun adventure we had. It's been a while since I've been to New York (more than 10 years), but some things didn't change at all, other things changed like crazy, and that's why I love New York (Cliche I know). The one great thing that hasn't changed about New York is the food, or the fact that there's great food all over the place.  There's constant food innovations coming out of New York since this city is all about trends. There's also some mainstays in this city that will never go away, and that's what makes this city feel comfortable to me.  I've got a whole article about our trip to New York going up this Thursday, and I'll talk all about the places I checked out on this trip with a bit more detail.

Now that this trip is over, as well as American Thanksgiving, it's probably time we start to focus on Christmas... right? I picked up a few Christmas treats in New York, and will certainly post those reviews later in December.  I'm also going to be keeping an eye on Christmas candy trends here in Canada as well.  I'm always keen to hear about your sweet Christmas traditions, so let me know on Facebook or Twitter what you can't miss over the holiday season.

This week on Candy Critic we're posting all kinds of content.  Tomorrow we hope to have our latest installment of Junk Fud On The Road online. We're also posting our regular Candy Things, and Candy In The Media posts. That with our New York round up this is a pretty full week.

This week's new review is a treat I picked up at Dylan's Candy Bar in New York. It was likely the strangest candy that they make, and I was warned that it might not be for everyone. Make sure to check back later this week to learn more about my trip to Dylan's, and click here to read my review of their very strange Pizza chocolate bar.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Candy In The Media

As it turns out, generic might not be much worse than regular, but not always.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

A New Episode Of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! Is Online

In this episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! Allison sets up a fun little taste test for Chris to find out if he can sniff out the fake Nutella.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Donut Candy Pool Thing

It's already got a bite out of it, so it's used.


Monday, November 21, 2016

This Week In Candy

We're in New York.  Not for very much longer though.  Since I'm writing this ahead of time, I can only assume that we've had an awesome trip.  I also hope to pick up a few more American treats, this time maybe with a Christmas theme.  I also hope to visit a few of New York's famous eateries and sweet shops.  I know a few places I just can't miss.

Unfortunately because we're away there won't be a new review posted this week, but I'm sure we'll have a few interesting posts going up on Facebook and Twitter. I also imagine that a future review-a-thon is in order.  Don't worry though, our regular Candy Thing and Candy In The Media posts will be online this week as usual.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Candy In The Media

This blanket fulfills several fantasies I've had, and creeps me out, all at the same time.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Squishy Candy Pool Thing

Don't bite it, no matter how tempted you are, you'll pop it.


Monday, November 14, 2016

This Week In Candy

I don't like to be political on this blog. I believe that snacks, candy, and treats are universally loved no matter what political party you align yourself with.  This week's American election was a pretty big deal, no matter what the result, history was going to be made.  This got me thinking, what could I enjoy during this election that would be both neutral, yet also yummy.  I decided on brownies (root beer brownies to be precise), but you may be asking why is a brownie neutral?  It's simple, brownies are good for both celebrating and consoling.  If you show up to a party with a batch of brownies, people are not sad.  However, if your friend just broke up with their significant other, and you show up at their house with brownies, it's pretty good at consoling them.  I figured that brownies are the perfect election treat, if you're happy with the results, yeah brownies! If you're not happy, sorry to hear about your loss, brownies.

Here at Candy Critic we're gearing up for our trip to New York. We've got a few plans already worked out, including a stop at Dylan's Candy Bar.  I first went to Dylan's so many years ago, and it became a regular stop for me whenever I visited New York. Since I haven't been there in a while, I'm interested in seeing how it's changed.  I'm also looking forward to seeing what kind of Christmas treats and treasures I come across on this trip. You can keep up with our New York trip by following us on Twitter or Facebook. Also let me know if you have any other New York tips for me?

All our regular posts are ready to go on the blog this week.  I'm also looking at re-starting our Instagram feed Snack Facts.  Likely it'll be in the new year, but that's coming up pretty quickly.

This week's new review is about as Canadian as it gets. If you know a Canadian you'll know why, if you don't then it might be a bit of a mystery. I can tell you that these made me very happy to be back home. Click here to read this very Canadian review.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Candy In the Media

People that leave gum on any seats (or anywhere for that matter) are the worst people in the world.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's A New Episode Of Junk Fud News!!!

It's a little late because I'm working on ways to try and improve the quality of this particular show.  It means a few technical tweaks, as well a few creative tweaks.  The tech tweaks are easy, the creative ones make me nervous.

You can check out other episodes of Junk Fud on our YouTube page, SoundCloud, and right here on our website.


Wednesday, November 09, 2016

A Bubble Gum Candy Pool Thing

You can inflate it with any extra oxygen you might have after blowing bubbles.


Monday, November 07, 2016

This Week In Candy

This week I came across what seems like a new candy trend (at least to me) and that's snack mixes.  The snack mixes I'm talking about are like Chexmix, mixed nuts or trail mix, but instead of being anything even remotely healthy these mixes are mostly candy.  My local bulk store (Bulk Barn, yeah you Americans will laugh but it's a Canadian institution) had a whole bunch of these crazy mixes, filled with many treats I'd never really thought of putting together.  The one pictured above has the "clever" name of "Should Be A Food Group".  The thing that worries me about these mixes is their origins.  Are they carefully created through trial and error to get the perfect balance of flavours, or are they simply what was left at the bottom of several bins at the end of the day?  Should Be A Food Group was OK, but not a breakthrough in candy mix-ology. Do you have a favourite mix, do you make it yourself?  Let me know.

This week I also thought I would announce that I'm heading back south again, this time New York city.  I have lots of things to check out while I'm there, and likely lots to re-discover considering I haven't been there in over 10 years.  There are a few bakeries and candy stores I know I want to check out, but New York always had a lot of fun surprises around every corner as well.  When I go, you'll be able to keep up with all the fun places I visit on Facebook and Twitter.

On the podcast front, we're working on getting the October edition of Junk Fud News online tomorrow.  We're also working on a few special interview/collaboration episodes of Junk Fud online later this winter.  We're also doing a special collaborative episode  of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! which we hope to get out in either December of January.

This week's new review was a really big surprise for me.  It surprised me that a candy with an apple flavour could work so well.  There were other flavours in this bag of Skittles "Orchard", but not all of them seemed to fit the theme perfectly, or as well as the apple.  Click here to find out why.


Friday, November 04, 2016

Candy In the Media

When you think of a McDonald's smoothy, this is likely not what you imagine.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

A Cold Candy Pool Thing

If the water's cold, and multi-coloured, you'll know why.