Monday, July 31, 2017

We've Reviewed A Number Of Hershey Bars, And Here's Another One

It's not that I don't like Hershey bars, they've just never been my favourites.  I know this is sacrilege to some, but there's just better chocolate out there. I'm just not on the Hershey bandwagon, but I'll keep trying their bars as long as they keep making them.

Click here to read our latest Hershey review, the Hershey Cookie+ Caramel.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Candy In The Media

Who knew there was so much backstory to the banana?


Monday, July 24, 2017

We Just Posted A Bubbaloo Magic Candy Review

I was inspired to post this review because I was going through my candy stash and looking at what I need to photograph, review, or throw out (sometimes I just can't eat all this candy, I'm only human).  While checking what I had to post, I thought, why not post a new review as well. That's what this summer of random reviews is all about!

Click here to read the new Bubbaloo Magic candy review!


Saturday, July 22, 2017

It's The First In Our Random Summer Candy Reviews

Back when I started this blog I used to post new reviews whenever I wanted, or whenever I had one to post.  Then I started to notice that I didn't post reviews for weeks at a time. I decided then to post regularly, once a week. This summer I'm going to be super busy, and I wanted to loosen up a bit on the schedule, so I've decided to try random candy posts again. This time however I'll guarantee at least one review a week. This likely means I'll often post more than one review a week.  I'll keep this up throughout the summer and see how it goes.

This particular review was pretty disappointing for me. You'd imagine that a bar with the name symphony would sing in your mouth. Instead it was just a collection of sour notes.

Click here to read the review.

And make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Candy In The Media

Watching giant marshmallow candies get tortured is remarkable interesting.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

We Just Posted A New Episode of Junk Fud On The Road

In this episode Chris and Allison talk about Lithuania.  While Lithuania had a few interesting food finds, this episode of Junk Food On The Road went off on a few non-food tangents. This is most likely because we recorded this episode so many years after visiting Lithuania, so we likely forgot a few details.  Either way there's certainly a few food related stories, including the time Allison was defeated by a piece of meat.  So have a listen and make sure to like and follow us on YouTube or SoundCloud to keep up with all our new podcasts.

Click here to check out old episodes of Junk Fud.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

This Week In Candy... Maybe Our Last

Don't worry, I'm not ending, I'm just not going to be posting any more "This Week In Candy" posts on this blog. I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing or not, but this summer is super busy and I haven't had the time or ability to keep this up.  I also know for a fact that I would have been missing a few more This Week In Candy posts in the future. So rather than continue to post these late every week (or not at all), like this one is, I've decided to give it a break.

Instead I'm going to focus on write a few editorial like posts that will go up randomly here on the blog.  I'm also going to focus on our podcast and YouTube shows. I'll continue to post about the new episodes we do here on this blog. We'll also continue to post Candy in the Media every Friday.  As for reviews, I think I might go back to a random format for posting new reviews. That means I'll post a new review whenever I feel like it.  I can promise at least one review a week, but sometimes we might have more. I'll make sure to post a link to the new review on this blog as well, but you can also see them on our Facebook and Twitter feed as well.

We may bring back This Week In Candy later on, we'll see how things pan out.

Just to keep things consistent for our last This Week In Candy post, we'll be posting this week's new candy review here. The one thing I can't figure out about this week's new review is weather or not it's actually a candy or a if it's an ingredient.  Click here to read about it, and let me know what you think.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Candy In The Media

This was beautiful to watch, however I did shed a tear for all of the lost candy.


Monday, July 10, 2017

This Week In Candy

Well summer is upon us, and s'mores are once again making a comeback. In general I like s'mores, they take two things I love, gram cracker and chocolate, and something I only like toasted, marshmallows, and turn them into something fun. I've seen all kinds of s'mores variations and machines this year, including the one above, but nothing really beats the classic made on a campfire in nature. Summer is a strange time for candy, since most candy melts in the hot sun, but somehow we managed to create a sweet treat that makes sure we can still enjoy some chocolate, and uses heat to its advantage.

You may have noticed a lack of "This Week In Candy" last week, this was in great part because of the insanity we had going on here during Canada Day and eventually the 4th of July. I think we're back on track for now, however I see more disruptions in the future this summer. We have two epic adventures happening this summer, one of which is going to change things a lot here at I always here stories of the long slow summer, but I rarely seem to live it, it's always chaos at our house. The good news for any of you following along on Twitter and Facebook is that you can keep up with out adventures this summer.

This week is hopefully going to be filled with editing and recording episodes of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!!, and Junk Fud On The Road. Next week we'll post an episode of Junk Fud On The Road, and later an episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! We're also working on a few episodes of In Hindsight that we'll post later in the summer.

This week's new review is of a classic bar, but a classic bar with a twist.  In general I shudder when I have to eat a classic candy with "a twist", but this one wasn't all bad.  Click here to find out why the Snickers bar can be crispier, but maybe it's not necessary.

Friday, July 07, 2017

Candy In The Media

This might be the best TED video ever.