Thursday, November 30, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Cream Whipper

I can't tell you how much I love whipped cream. I'm actually a bit of a whipped cream snob, and I don't really like the stuff in a tub or in a can.  I love real whipped cream made from nothing but high fat cream. The problem is I don't like the act of whipping it, by hand or with a mixer.  This is why the perfect gift for me would be a fancy cream whipper.


Part 4 Of Our Asian Ice Cream Review-A-Thon Looks Pretty Fancy

There are really two categories of ice cream treats. Simple cheap looking treats, and fancy expensive looking treats. This clearly falls into a fancy looking treat because the package depicts it as something you might see served at a fancy restaurant. The key to the look of this fancy treat is the fact that the package depicts it with the lid slightly askew. I always love the fact that when you get a fancy dessert in a restaurant that's contained in some kind of edible shell, the chef often chooses to open it slightly for you. It's as if they're not confident that you know how to open up an edible shell yourself.

Click here to read all about this fancy ice cream dessert.

You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up with all of our Asian ice cream updates this week.

Why not follow our Instagram feed called "Snack Facts" too, you might learn something new.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Culinary Butane Torch

As I mentioned yesterday, I love to bake, and a torch would allow me to make some pretty fun desserts that require direct heat.  A torch would also allow me to take out some frustrations on really bad candies that I have to review. P.S. If someone buys this for me, I will send the videos of me melting gross candy.


Part 3 of Our Asian Ice Cream Review-A-Thon is Out Of This World - Gotcha Alien

One of the things I always learn but never remember about candy, is to not judge a candy by its wrapper.  This was yet another instance where I saw something I thought I wouldn't like, and instead found something I'd get again.  Not judging candy by its package is a hard thing to do because it's really all you have to judge a candy when you see it on the shelf.  That is unless you do a little research on your favourite candy review site first.

Click here to find out why I was so impressed with this ice cream treat.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get early access to all our reviews.

You can also find early reviews posted on our Tumblr feed as well.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Bogeyman Egg Separator

Many of you might know that I love to bake. I love to bake, but I hate separating eggs. This invention may not make separating eggs any easier, but it will certainly make it a lot more fun.


This Asian Ice Cream Goes From Happy To Sad - Mr Triple

The  reason this treat takes you from happy to sad is the fact that the first 4 or 5 bites are pretty good, maybe one of the best ice cream treats I've had in a while. Then as you get to the halfway point the quality drops a little, and when you're down to the last third it's pretty disappointing. I know that's a lot of fractions for you to work out on and ice cream treat, and I apologies.

Click here to find out why this ice cream treat disappointed me at the end.

Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with this week's Asian ice cream review-a-thon.

You can also follow the review-a-thon on Google+, but judging by our numbers you wont.


Monday, November 27, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Star Wars Millennium Falcon Waffle Maker

I've never owned a waffle maker. I'd like to believe that the reason I've never owned a waffle maker is that they're reliable machines that can last a lifetime. I believe that I've held out on getting a waffle maker till this very day, when I could get a waffle maker that makes waffles in the coolest shapes of the coolest spaceships in the world.


Today We're Starting Our Asian Ice Cream Review-A-Thon!!! - Kit Kat Green Tea Ice Cream Cone

One of the hardest types of treats for me to collect from different parts of the world are ice cream treats.  They just don't ship well. I'm always really frustrated when I hear about a really interesting, ice cream treat that's only available on the other side of  the world. When I travel, one of the first places I look for new treats to review is in the freezer cases at the local grocery store. I know that if I really want to try anything that's on the shelves at these grocery stores, I can probably find someone online who will ship it, but I'll never be able to get ice cream treats sent to me.

Since I'm in Asia right now, I went on a bit of an ice cream buying frenzy last week. I was going to put a bunch of these reviews in the archives for release later on, but I just can't wait to share them with you guys.

Click here to read the first cool review, even though it didn't go very well.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with every Asian ice cream treat we review this week.

You can also keep up with the review-a-thon on Pinterest.


Sunday, November 26, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Grilled Cheese Toaster

I love grilled cheese. I'm also a little lazy. So you can imagine how happy I'd be with this Grilled Cheese Toaster for Christmas.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - Noir De Noir by Cote D'or

I'm going to shatter your brain a little, and maybe push the limits of what you know about the world when I say "This stuff is better than Nutella". Let that sink in and know that if I knew that this was potentially waiting under the tree this year, I would be on my best behavior all year long.


Friday, November 24, 2017

My Candy/Junk Food Chrsitmas Wishlist - British Chocolate Bars

Are you thinking of getting me something for Christmas this year?  Are you worried it might not be the perfect gift?  Well every day for the next month we're going to post our Christmas wish list so you know exactly what we want. Sure you could use our suggestions to make the candy fanatic in your life happy, but what fun would that be (for us).

What kind of Candy Critic would I be if I didn't have British chocolate bars on my wish list for the holidays. If you've never had the opportunity to try a British chocolate bar, then you just haven't lived.


Candy In The Media - A Tour Of a Japanese Convenience Store

If you've never been to Japan, here's a quick tour of a convenience store, and this should show you why they're so amazing.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

This New Review Is A First For Us... Sort Of - Pocky "Choco Banana Flavour"

The reason it's a first for us is because it's the first time we've ever reviewed a candy twice. The only reason we did the second review is because the candy has changed, in a big way.  I know that candy changes all of the time, sometimes it's advertised as a new and improved version, sometimes the candy companies make slight alterations. When this happens we generally don't re-review the candy, this time however the difference was enough to warrant a new review.

Click here to read the new review for Choco Banana Flavour Pocky.

Are there other candies that you think have changed drastically over the years, let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

Also, follow us on Tumblr because it would make us very happy.


Monday, November 20, 2017

It's Another PEZ Review - PEZ Grape

I told you last week that we would be posting another PEZ review online, and  here it is.  I'm not sure how exciting that is, but it's something we've had to get off our plate. We're still missing a few PEZ flavours, but that will have to wait for another time.

Note - I think next week we'll be having a review-a-thon, and I'm thinking Asian Ice Cream treats.

Click here to read our latest PEZ review.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out more about next week's Asian Ice Cream review-a-thon.

Also, follow us on Instagram to keep up with all our Snack Facts.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Candy In The Media - A DIY Gumball Mashine

Make your own gumball machine out of cardboard, then make enough money to buy a real gumball machine.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Do You Like PEZ? How About PEZ Reviews? - Lemon PEZ

I have to be honest, I wrote this review a few months back. I tell you this because I wanted to write a brand spanking new candy review for you guys, but I can't. I hurt my tongue. I hurt my tongue eating crab, and it sucks. I bit my tongue and it left a small scratch, well that scratch didn't do so well (most likely because I've been eating a lot of acidic foods lately) and it got worse.  It's nothing that won't go away, but frankly the idea of eating anything that isn't totally bland (no acids or salt) sounds awful right now. Fortunately I have a pretty big list of reviews ready to go for just such an occasion, so you guys don't miss out.

While digging through the list I came across this review for lemon PEZ, and it seemed appropriate that this review should go up ASAP. I also have a review for grape PEZ waiting to go up, and if my mouth doesn't heal by Monday, I think I'll post it then.  I should at some point make sure that I have every flavour of PEZ represented on, since it's truly one of the classic candies.

Click here to read all about Lemon PEZ.

Let us know you're favourite flavour of PEZ on Facebook or Twitter.

Also, make sure to please follow us  on Tumblr, because we'd follow you if you asked us nicely.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

It's A New Episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That!!!

I've decided that Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! needs a bit of sprucing up. After editing this episode I realized it's just the same thing over and over again.  Next month's episode is already recorded, but the new year hopes to bring a new theme to the show.  I'm still working on the details, but hopefully it'll be a little more dynamic and fun, while still watching me eat questionable things.

Either way, I hope you still had fun watching me drink this horrible drink, as noted we discovered later that it did in fact have chunks of grass jelly in it.

Click here to check out old episodes of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!!

Also, check here to find old and current episodes of our podcast Junk Fud.


Monday, November 13, 2017

I Was Inspired About Today's New Candy Review - Raspberry Licorice Fudge

I wasn't inspired by the candy itself, in fact if you read the review it's pretty much a failure. What inspired me was a friend with whom we had dinner this weekend. Our friend is from Sweden and she asked me about what kind of Swedish candies I liked. We were talking, and I remembered some of the Swedish candies I've reviewed, in particular a red licorice fudge that I had sitting in my archive to be published. I decided that today would be the perfect day to pull out this review, even though it wasn't that great.

Click here to find out why this raspberry licorice fudge didn't really work.

And make sure to let us know about any treats you find on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

You can also follow us on Pinterest and keep up with all our new candy reviews.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Candy In The Media - Crushing A Coke... Literally

If you like Coca-Cola you can know that the bottle survived much long than expected, if you hate Coca-Cola you can know that it eventually dies a horrible death.


Monday, November 06, 2017

Another Apple Treat To Review - Johnny Apple Treats

Last week we posted a review of a very disappointing Hostess Apple Pie, this week we thought we'd start off with another apple review. I thought that the idea of doing a whole month themed around apple reviews would be fun, but then I realized that I don't really like apple flavoured candies. My next move was to check our archive, to see if there were any old unpublished apple candy reviews, but there wasn't anything. So I guess that means this is not going  to be a month filled with apple themed treats, but two new reviews in a row with an apple theme.

Click here to read this OK apple candy review.

Do you like fake apple flavours? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

You can also follow our Instagram feed because this week we're featuring Snack Facts about Dragron Fruit.


Friday, November 03, 2017

Candy In The Media - Creepiest Ice Cream Commercial Ever

I'm no expert, but I don't think this is a good way to advertise ice cream.


Thursday, November 02, 2017

It's Time For An Apple Candy Review... To Keep The Doctor Away?

Seeing as I'm presently in a place that's really warm, I don't really feel like summer is over. This means that I didn't really feel the fall.  That was until today. Today I was online looking at pictures of friends, and children of friends going out trick-or-treating, and I saw all of the amazing fall colours all around them. This made me nostalgic for fall, and instantly made me think of apples. That's why this review is perfect... except for the fact that it kind of sucked. I guess I'll have to look around for more fall themed candy to review, at least before Christmas starts up.

Click here to read the disappointing fall candy review.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and let us know what your favourite fall treat is.

We're also going to be posting some great new facts on our Instagram feed called Snack Facts.


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

It's A New Episode Of Junk Fud On The Road All About Hong Kong!

Strangely, it's not often that we actually record an episode of Junk Fud on the Road in the place that it's about. This is an exception because on our last day we got caught in a Tsunami and had to stay indoors.  We figured it was the perfect opportunity to get our podcast on.

Click here to find old episodes of  Junk Fud On The Road.

You can also keep up with all of the episodes by following us on Sound Cloud or You Tube.