Friday, February 28, 2020

Candy In The Media - Flush It

I've probably flushed five pounds of gummy bears down my toilet... not directly though.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Amazing Candy/Junk Food Things That You Should Buy For Me For My Birthday - Chip Fingers

This would then allow more of the cheezie or chip coating to go into my mouth, and that make me happy.


Monday, February 24, 2020

Back With A Kit Kat - Kit Kat "Mint Choc Whirl"

Last week we unfortunately had to take a small break from updating certain parts of Candy Critic. An emergency came up, but nothing terrible happened and we're back at full force. This means that I'm going to be spending the next week getting things back on track. I always find that when I fall behind on, I either get inspired to start new projects, or focus on improving the focus of the site (writing reviews). I'm not sure what's going to happen this week as I collect myself, but I'm sure something will come out of it.

For our return I thought it would be a good idea to post a Kit Kat review. I like Kit Kat bars, and they're really a staple in our collection of reviews. You can check out all of the Kit Kat reviews we've done so far here.

Click here to check out our 66th Kit Kat review.

Make sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds too.

We also put things up on Patreon.


Friday, February 21, 2020

Candy In The Media - Spin Cake Spin

There are few cakes in the world that are more entertaining to watch people make than a Baumkuchen.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Australian Supercut

Just in case you missed it, while I was in Australia I shot some videos (and posted them) of me eating Australian candies in Australia. Rather than make you go back and check all of them, I've made a supercut for you to enjoy.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Amazing Candy/Junk Food Things That You Should Buy For Me For My Birthday - Space Helmet Mug

This is either a really fun way to celebrate space travel, or a weird chapter in a story about headhunting on the moon. I mean who wouldn't want to drink hot chocolate out of the head of a dead space man?


Friday, February 14, 2020

A Special Video For All My Candy Valentine's

I had a bowl of cinnamon hearts, and I wondered how many I could stuff in my mouth before I either exploded or burned my taste buds. In general these kinds of videos are a bad idea.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Top 5 Valentine's Day Themed Candies Reviewed On Candy Critic

1 - Chocolate Hearts

Nothing says "I love you" like high quality chocolate, it guarantees that you won't step into the cheap/cheesy side of Valentine's Day treats.

2 - Lindt Frog Prince

The concept of this treat is kind of creative, but the chocolate beneath the foil is great, so your true love should be happy... unless they used to be a frog.

3 - Cherry Lovers

This is a great choice if the one you love doesn't like chocolate. Having said that, if the one you love doesn't like chocolate, you might want to reconsider.

4 - Cinnamon Hearts

I don't totally understand why you'd want to burn off the taste buds of your true love, but these are pretty popular, so what do I know.

5 - Jelly Belly "Conversation Beans"

If they want something like Conversation Hearts, but want to avoid the chalky texture.

Make sure to check out all the Valentine's Day themed treats we've reviewed right here.

If you love us, then you'll follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

If you really love us, you'll check out our Patreon page too.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

You Can't Rely On Anybody - Zip "Double"

If you've read this blog, or if you search through, you'll find that I have a love affair with certain candy brands. This love affair doesn't come from them sending me free candy, or even out of nostalgia. The thing that makes me love a candy company is when they produce good candy. It's even more astounding if I fall in love with a candy company that's fairly big, or even more rare, gigantic. Cadbury is one of those few brands, they're a huge company that sells chocolate all over the world. They also produce some of the best mass produced chocolate bars that I know of.

The thing is, sometimes the ones you love, disappoint you. You still love them, and you hold out hope that it's not a decline, but just a misstep. This Zip "Double" bar is what I hope to be a small misstep from the  people at Cadbury. It's not a horrible bar, but it's way too average for a brand that's made me happy so often.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well.

You can be really nice and check out our Patreon page too.


Friday, February 07, 2020

Candy In The Media - Cake Cutting As Art

The only reason I don't want to watch this video over and over again is that it makes me really want a slice of cake.


Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Amazing Candy/Junk Food Things That You Should Buy For Me For My Birthday - A Really Good Ice Cream Maker

It's funny, for years I've always wanted an ice cream maker, but for some reason I still don't own one. I have an appliance that just makes rice, one that keeps water at a boil constantly, but I don't own an appliance that makes ice cream.


Monday, February 03, 2020

Lots Of Australian Candy This Week - Freddo

When we left for Australia, I didn't think that I would be picking up too many treats. My plan was to pick up maybe 4 or 5 treats and review them on the go. It started out pretty well, but at about the halfway point of the trip, I realized that I was going to be getting a lot more Australian treats than I expected. I was hoping to be able to write all of my reviews while I was in Australia, but that didn't happen, I ended up coming home with a pretty good collection of treats to review.

This week we'll post a bunch of the treats, but I get the feeling that a few are going to be sitting in our reserve to post on a rainy day.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to keep up with the rest of the reviews this week.