Friday, January 29, 2021

Turtles Are Sexy?

It turns out you can use sex to sell everything.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Time To Get The Popcorn, It's Snack Facts Theater Issue

Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts (my micro comic all about snacks and candy). This issue is all about theater treats. It's more than just popcorn, this issue talks about when people started to eat and watch movies and how the theater concession stand started. Our hosts Sir Francis Sweetums and his companion Barbara travel through time and space to teach you all about the things you love to eat.

Pick up issue 6 of Snack Facts here, for only 50 cents.

You can also get back issues (for only 50 cents) as well as issue 0 (for free).


It's Time To Talk About Covid On Junk Fud On The Road

In this episode Allison and Chris talk about how Covid affected their lives and their travels.

Click here to check out more episodes of Junk Fud.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with our adventures.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

You Need The Perfect Tool - Peanut Butter Knife


Not to get you too excited, but this knife would also work on Nutella.


Monday, January 25, 2021

The Shape Of Salty Snacks To Come?

We're going to forget the argument that salty snacks are not candy and have no place on this site. I've covered that a few times on this blog, and I'm not going to stop reviewing this kind of snack. The thing I want to talk about today is the lack of creativity when it comes to the shape of salty snacks. Right now I'm seeing a trend is making salty snacks 3D. This means escaping the common flat potato chip (or perfectly round, or triangle) shape of salty snacks, and we're adventuring out a bit. Sure there's also pretzels and cheese puffs, but frankly those are shapes that have been around for such a long time. What I'm talking about is making salty snacks in fun shapes similar to gummies. I think the only brand that's really done it recently is Goldfish crackers. 

The thing that makes me happy are snacks like this week's new review. In Asia there seems to be a trend in making salty snacks in the shape of chicken parts. Obviously you flavour them with chicken, but I guess that doesn't have to be a rule either. I would just like to see more salty snacks with really unique shapes. I think potato chips should be the next group of salty snacks to take on this challenge. It's not like Pringles are a naturally shaped potato chip, so why not make it fun. I also think more cracker companies should be doing this too.

Click here to read about these chicken shaped salty snacks (and please don't complain about them not being candy).

Also be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, I guess you could complain about them not being candy there.

Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts as well, and don't miss some of the merch at our store either.


Friday, January 22, 2021

Do You Eat The Red Ones Last?

This advertising campaign affected me so much, that I think to this day I save the red ones for last.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Strap In For Another Issue Of Snack Facts All About Theater Snacks

Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts (my micro comic all about snacks and candy). This issue is all about theater treats. It's more than just popcorn, this issue talks about when people started to eat and watch movies and how the theater concession stand started. Our hosts Sir Francis Sweetums and his companion Barbara travel through time and space to teach you all about the things you love to eat.

Pick up issue 6 of Snack Facts here, for only 50 cents.

You can also get back issues (for only 50 cents) as well as issue 0 (for free).


Eating More Things Wrong - Oh Henry

 In this episode I eat an Oh Henry bar in a way that some have said is their preferred way to eat them. I believe these people and I don't think they're just trolling the internet. Having said that, just because you prefer it, doesn't make it right.

Click here to check out all my videos on YouTube.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all my shenanigans.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

I'd Like S'more Please - Indoor S'mores Maker


A great way to deal with lock down in the dead of winter.


Monday, January 18, 2021

Making Sure I Don't Forget The Classics


I've been writing candy reviews for longer than I care to say. When I first started this site, and even today, one of the most common comments I get from people is, how many candies are out there to review? People assume that I'm going to run out of treats to review, I even worry about it myself sometimes. Then occasionally, I make a list of all the candies that I used to eat as a kid that I have not yet reviewed on, and those lists are always immensely long. I also realize that my list is Canadian centric, and people all over the world have huge lists of candies they consider to be classics that I've never even heard of. I have noticed over the last few years that I'm going into shops and finding more treats that I have reviewed, but between those snacks are new snacks that I've never even heard of.

Click here to read a review of one of the candies on my list of classic from when I was a kid.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see me discover new treats.

Also be sure to check out my Patreon page to get some fun bonus content.


Friday, January 15, 2021

I Could Watch Candy Being Made All Day Long

The folks at FB Washburn Candy, who have been making candy longer than anyone else in America, sent me a great video showing how they make their candy. I could seriously watch people making candy all day long. Some of the machines they use are like something out of a science fiction movie. Maybe when things clear up in the world they'll invite me down to come see it in person.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

It's Another Issue Of Snack Facts, This Time All About Movie Theater Snacks

Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts (my micro comic all about snacks and candy). This issue is all about theater treats. It's more than just popcorn, this issue talks about when people started to eat and watch movies and how the theater concession stand started. Our hosts Sir Francis Sweetums and his companion Barbara travel through time and space to teach you all about the things you love to eat.

Pick up issue 6 of Snack Facts here, for only 50 cents.

You can also get back issues (for only 50 cents) as well as issue 0 (for free).


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

You Can't Miss With This Waffle Maker - Stormtrooper Waffle Maker


The great thing about this waffle maker is you can make your waffles well done, if you like them on the dark side.


Monday, January 11, 2021

This Bar Has No Name... Literally

Have you ever had something that feels so normal to you, but to many other people in the world it's totally bonkers? This is how I feel about No Name products. No Name is a Canadian brand that's been around for as long as I know. I'm very used to seeing the word "No Name" written all over products in my pantry and in my refrigerator. It's only been since the advent of the internet that I've seen reactions from people outside of Canada, and realised it's kind of strange. No name has the most generic of all possible names, and the packaging matches it perfectly. The thing is, it warms my heart every time I see that bright yellow package with the words "No Name" written on it.

Click here to find out what "No Name" chocolate tastes like.

Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds too.

Don't forget to follow me on Patreon to get all kinds of extra stuff.


Friday, January 08, 2021

Grape Soda Discovery

 I'm not sure if I'm grossed out or intrigued by the fact that one of the key ingredients in grape soda is also a key ingredient in rubber gloves.


Thursday, January 07, 2021

Issue 6 Of Snack Facts Is Here!!!

Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts (my micro comic all about snacks and candy). This issue is all about theater treats. It's more than just popcorn, this issue talks about when people started to eat and watch movies and how the theater concession stand started. Our hosts Sir Francis Sweetums and his companion Barbara travel through time and space to teach you all about the things you love to eat.

Pick up issue 6 of Snack Facts here, for only 50 cents.

You can also get back issues (for only 50 cents) as well as issue 0 (for free).


Wednesday, January 06, 2021

The 5 Most Interesting and Strange Reviews I Wrote in 2020

I've decided to look back at 2020. Sure it's been a tough year for just about everybody around the world, but it's also been pretty interesting as well. For me it's been particularly fascinating since I moved from South-East Asia back to Canada during a pandemic. Just in case you're wondering, we didn't move back to Canada because of the pandemic. We had actually planned to move back this year from the start, it was just made a little more complicated with the pandemic. No matter, 2020 was a year filled with interesting treats, including a return home to see what had changed since I left.

So here's my list of the 5 most interesting/strange reviews that I posted this year on Candy Critic. Keep in mind that this list is in no order, it's just me randomly plucking reviews that I posted because I remembered something interesting about them. They are by no means the best candies I'd eaten this year, but they're candies I don't think I'll ever forget.

1 - Cola Spicy (Gum)

When I bought this gum I was pretty sure that it was going to be memorable. I figured that I was going to have a really weird combination of flavours including heat. I figured it would be particularly agonizing for me since it was a gum, and the flavours would sit in my mouth for a really long time. What happened was actually more memorable, somehow they actually kind of made it work.

Click here to find out why spicy cola gum isn't the worst idea in the world.

2 - Boran "Black Bean" (Ice Cream)

Sometimes when I get a treat I make assumptions. When I saw this ice cream treat, I thought there was no way that they would put black beans into an ice cream. I thought that maybe it was some kind of translation issue (since this is an Asian ice cream), or maybe they mistook black beans with red beans (a popular and tasty bean often used in Japanese desserts). It turns out I was wrong, they did just put black beans into an ice cream treat. Sure it wasn't the greatest treat in the world, but I can now safely say that I've eaten black beans in my ice cream.

Click here to find out why this back bean ice cream treat doesn't really work.

3 - Skittles "Dips"

This was a candy that I truly misjudged. I almost misjudged it so much that I wasn't going to review it. Then a reader posted something about it on their Facebook page and it intrigued me. As it turns out I misjudged everything about these Skittles, even how great they actually were. It's not often you get a company making a new version of a treat that works this well. It's something we should encourage, which is why it's worth mentioning on this list.

Click here to find out why I liked these Skittles "Dips".

4 - Smith's "Lamington" (Chips)

You wouldn't think that potatoes would go with so many desserts. But over the years I've learned that you should never underestimate the majestic potato. While I've eaten hundreds of different flavours of potato chips, these really stuck out to me. Most of all because they were not only weird, but they were also what I would expect a potato chip that's flavour with a coconut cake to taste like. I guess I also appreciate that novelty (for me as a North American) of eating a potato chip themed to a truly Australian dessert.

Click here to find out what happens when cakes and chips collide.

5 - Watermelon Bites

This treat surprised me in two ways. First of all the design of this candy is amazing. The level of detail to make this candy look fantastic was truly astonishing. Just to give you an example, you can peel each watermelon slice, and eat the two parts separately. The seeds are even made up of a different kind of candy than the flesh. The second thing that surprised me is that I believe it is the highest ranked watermelon candy on this site. That's a pretty big feat considering how much I generally hate eating watermelon flavoured candy.

Click here to marvel at this candies design. 

These may not be all the strange candies I've eaten this year, but these are truly the ones that stick out in my mind after going over my list of treats I've reviewed this year. I'm looking optimistically at 2021. While I'm starting this year in Canada, I'm taking the time to look at candies I had somehow forgotten to review. I'm also very interested in what candy makers are going to come up with. I feel like candy innovation is around the corner.


Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Cookies From A Galaxy Far, Far Away - William Sonoma Cookie Cutters


This is the one time I don't mind finding a Wookie hair in my cookie.


Monday, January 04, 2021

It's A New Year!!!

I feel like every new year I re-think a little bit. I think it's healthy to do this because frankly if I'm not having fun doing this site, it's not worth doing. Most of the time, around this time of year, I think about what I'm posting, and if I'm enjoying creating the content. I'll be 100% honest with you, the only thing I constantly enjoy posting on all of the time are the reviews. Everything else falls in and out of favour for me at one point or another. There have been blog posts that I really didn't have fun writing, videos that became more of a pain to make than anything else, but I always like finding new candies to review. This is all to say that you might find a few changes on the site over the next few weeks. I can tell you for certain that the reviews, like today's fun new review, will keep coming, but other things are going to change a little.

Click here to check out the first review of 2021.

Also be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (we haven't given up on that yet either).

Be sure to also pick up the latest issue of Snack Facts.

And be sure to check out some of our new swag at our store.


Friday, January 01, 2021

A Special Episode Of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!!

Happy New Year, here's a special episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! to bring in this new year... and kick 2020 to the curb.

Be sure to thank me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Or even consider buying a copy of my new mini comic called Snack Facts.