Friday, April 29, 2022

Cereal As Candy

 This Sugar Crisp commercial not only brags about their candy coating, but even suggest eating it as a candy.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Looking At Our Most Popular Videos

In this episode of Junk Fud and You I look back out our most popular videos on YouTube. This is a list of the 5 most watched videos, some are kind of surprising.

You can check out all our videos on our YouTube channel.

You can also follow all our other antics on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.

Why not follow me on Patreon, just to round it all out.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Treat Your Beastly Self

I figure if you happen to love the letter D, or dark chocolate, you'll love this shirt.


Monday, April 25, 2022

These Gummies Where Super, But Mostly In Name Only

It's kind of surprising how few candies there are in the world based on video games. It feels like there's still a leaning towards movies and television when it comes to theming candy. This is strange because from what I understand, the video game world is much more lucrative than movies and television. While I feel like there are still more television and film related candies out there, I will agree that the number of candy themed video game treats is increasing, and it's a matter of time till it overshadows.

Check out my latest video game themed candy treat.

Don't forget to check out my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook feeds as well.

While you're at it, why not join me on Patreon too.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Have You Ever Swallowed Gum?

 Learn a little science about swallowing your gum.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Learn All You Can About Red Licorice

Most people don't think about what would happen to red licorice in extreme temperatures, well I'm not most people.

Make sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to find out about other videos we're going to post.

You can also follow me on YouTube to keep up with all the fun videos and podcasts that we post.


Monday, April 18, 2022

That Candy Is Twisted... On Purpose


I've never really looked into the history of Twizzlers, but I have a lot of questions about the shape. Was Twizzlers the first candy to be this shape? What does a floppy, twisted candy have to do with licorice? While we're on the subject, what's the deal with red licorice, it's not really licorice, but it kind of is now. There are a lot of questions that I feel like someone at Twizzlers could answer, but I'm kind of convinced they never will.

Find out what I thought about this twisted treat.

Also make sure to check out Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see any of my twisted posts.

You can also pick up my book that isn't that twisted, but it's a little weird.


Friday, April 15, 2022

I Assume The Easter Bunny Works Here

He's probably the one shooting the footage, that's why he's not in any of the shots.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

It's an Easter Fun Experiment!

 For this very special candy experiment I decided to taste test 4 different mini eggs. One was very different, one was better than the rest, one was surprising.

Make sure to check all my videos out when they come out on YouTube.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all the fun stuff I do.

If you want even more, follow me on Patreon too.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Another Treat for your Beast

Here's another fun t-shirt that you can buy if your name starts with "b". It also works if you like bubble gum or bees.

Check out all my Treats and Beasts designs here.


Monday, April 11, 2022

Easter Reviews Are Coming In

While writing this review a thought crossed my mind. What's the best holiday for candy? I'm talking about the best quality candies and not the most candies. I would also have to add that the candies have to be unique to that holiday, so that means that a Kit Kat bar cannot count for Halloween. The more I thought about it the more I think I'm leaning towards Easter. While the selection of Easter treats is more limited than many holidays, the fact that high quality chocolate is a big ingredient plays to its favour.

Check out my first of many Easter reviews for this week.

Also be sure check out my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds for more Easter fun.

Don't forget to check my new book called Treats and Beasts as well.


Friday, April 08, 2022

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Treats and Beasts the T-shirts

If you love armadillos or the letter "a" then this Treats and Beasts will suit you well.

Check out my other Treats and Beasts t-shirts.


Monday, April 04, 2022

Gummies Of Every Shape and Colour


I've always felt that the gummy is one of if not the best candy for creating fun designs. I feel like gummies can be just about any size, shape or colour. If you really think about it, I feel like you can make just about anything out of gummy. The reason I don't think you see more varieties of shapes and colours is that it's expensive to make your first batch of gummies. You really need industrial equipment to make gummies, small candy shops often stick with things like chocolate because they're easier to make in small quantities. Maybe some day the technology will start to allow small companies to make their own gummies, and maybe then we'll see some amazing gummy art.

This week's new review is okay, but not as creative as I'd hoped, but you can read more about it here.

Also make sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well.

I've got all kinds of other fun things going on in Patreon as well.


Friday, April 01, 2022

What Would It Be Like Living With Cartoons?

I feel like this is a really strange example of what it would be like if Fred and Barney lived with you.