Friday, September 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Talking About The Canadian National Exhibition

In this latest episode of Junk Fud on the Road, Allison and Chris talk about their past adventures at the Canadian National Exhibition.

Check out what Chris and Allison are up to right now on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Also be sure to follow them on Patreon for all kinds of bonus content.


Monday, September 26, 2022

Crunky All Week Long

Many people outside of Asia have no any idea what Crunky is, but those who have visited or lived there are very familiar with this chocolate treat. I'm not too sure what was the first Crunky treat since there are so many different ones available right now. It was likely the milk chocolate bar with the rice crisps, but I could be wrong. All I know is that today there are so many different treats made in the Crunky style, and this week I'm going to review 3 of them.

Check out the first of many Crunky reviews.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to keep up with all the other ones.

Also be sure to check out my book called Treats and Beasts.

Friday, September 23, 2022

See Them Make Jelly Beans

 Jelly Belly makes every flavour you could imagine.

If you want to imagine animals eating candy, pick up my latest book called Treats and Beasts.


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

This is Why I'm Fat?

 There are a few things that some people like that I don't. Licorice, marshmallows, fat.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up with all my videos and podcasts.

You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram too.

Pick up my newest book called Treats and Beasts as well.


Friday, September 16, 2022

Makin' M&Ms

 I wonder if the people working at this factory get sick of seeing pretty colours all day?

If you like learning about candy and snacks, make sure to pick up a collection or a single issue of my comic called Snack Facts.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

X Is Hard

 X was the hardest letter to write in this book. Frankly there was a time I thought it couldn't be done.

Check out all the other letters in the alphabet in t-shirt, poster or book form.


Monday, September 12, 2022

Flavour Combinations We Love To A Fault

I think we have a bias about what flavours work with which candy. While there are certainly some flavour to candy combinations that objectively don't work, there are many candies that for some reason we always expect them to be a certain flavour, even though there's no reason that it has to be that flavour. Take gumnies, for some reason chocolate flavoured gummies are just never a thing, yet there's no reason why it shouldn't work. Chocolate works in just about every single other sweet treat, but it's extremely rare in gummies, why is that? There's nothing about gummies that suggest the texture of fruit, but for some reason most gummies are fruit flavoured.

Check out my latest review to read about another flavour combination that should work.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all of my adventures.

While you're at it, why not pick up my book called Snack Facts to learn a little more about candy and treats?


Friday, September 09, 2022

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

What A T-Shirt!

 You might have thought that the letter "w" would be difficult to write into an alphabet book about animals and candy, but strangely it was the first one I came up with.

Check out all the other animal/candy fun stuff you can pick up.


Monday, September 05, 2022

Shape Is Important

I think it's pretty interesting that a candy like the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup can exist before the Reese's Bar. I say this because bars are the most typical shape of chocolate treats, and cups although not too strange, are not nearly as common as bars. Even the old commercials for Reese's Cups used to show people eating bars of chocolate and accidentally getting peanut butter on these bars. They never explained the cup shape, and frankly I don't know where it came from. I probably would have never even thought about this if it wasn't for this bar, the candy that appears to be a step backwards in the evolution of the peanut butter cup.

Check out my full review of this strange yet very simple bar.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram too.

If you want to learn a little about the history of candy, pick up my comic called Snack Facts.


Friday, September 02, 2022

A Whole lot of Chocolate Bars

If you've every wondered how to make a million chocolate bars, Hershey's got your covered.