Saturday, September 13, 2008

Freeze the vote

This week I’ve had a bit of a dilemma, how should I cover the elections coming up? More importantly should I cover both US and Canadian elections this year since they’re only about a month apart? I decided to walk to a place that often feeds me with strange inspiration. Parliament Hill is a great place to see a whole lot of strange things, and today was no exception. What inspired me today was a guy in a suit (who I assumed worked for the government) eating an ice cream cone.
Then the idea struck me. I want to know what flavour of ice cream all the candidates prefer. It’s important to me. A Rocky Road man is a very different person than someone who prefers strawberry.
So I’m sending out e-mails this weekend to all my local candidates, the fine folks running for Prime Minister as well as all the folks I can find that want to be president of the US. And simply ask them:

What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?


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