Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shreded Stick, the first experiment.

So today I brought the Shreded Stick to Dr Tyler Avis. He took a look at them and was somewhat baffled. I asked him if there was any kind of test I could attempt to try and figure them out. He said that maybe boiling them in water might work.
So I went home and boiled up a pot of water ready to cook up these plastic looking anomalies.
I made sure that I stirred them regularly; I’m not sure why it just seemed like the right thing to do.
I pulled a few out after cooking for 5 minutes and bit into one.
Yuck, it was crunchy and kind of slimy. Worst of all it basically had no flavour at all.
I cooked a few more for 5 more minutes (that’s 10 in all) and although slightly floppier it was still kind of crunchy in the middle and still tasted like nothing. More experimentation is needed.


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