Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why I probably won’t give you free candy.

I rarely mention this on the site but one of the most common questions I always get is do you have any candy? Implying that I might have candy to give to this nice person that’s taken the time to say hello. The answer is often no.
People get ticked off at this because as you can see from this site I often get a lot of candy delivered to my front door and I often don’t eat it all. Now I’m not holding out on you fine people at all, if I had candy I thought I could give you I would, and on the occasions that I do have the candy I give it out pretty freely.

So here is a list of reasons I probably don’t have any candy to give to you right now.
When I do a review and I have leftovers chances are it’s an open chocolate bar, a half eaten bag of chips, or some kind of treat with a bite taken out. Now if I gave you that would you be happy? If you would, let me know when you see me and I’ll see what I can do about setting you up with a half eaten treat.
Some treats are pretty yummy. Sometimes I eat a whole lot of a treat, and sometimes I even stash a little away for later because that treat is so good. I don’t think I’m a bad person for doing that, after all running this site is a lot of work and a nice treat that I know isn’t gross is a great reward once in a while.
I photograph candy too. Trust me after I photograph candy you don’t want to eat it. My sweaty hands have been all over it and it’s pretty gross.
There are lots of people that help this site out a whole lot. People that give their time for nothing to make things run smoothly. Sometimes it’s moral support; sometimes it’s actual work. Well these people are often first on my list to give something sweet to. If you’re wondering how you can get on board just let me know you want to help and maybe I might send you something.
Well that’s pretty much it, I think. So this is why I don’t really have much candy to give away. I hope you don’t think I’m a jerk.


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