Thursday, June 04, 2009

Bug Island Chew Part 1

The peninsula where my parents live and I spent the majority of my life was, in at one point in the 1800s, referred to as "Bug Island", a little known fact that tickled my best friend and I on account of it's 'down home', unpretentious name - something we always appreciate. So, after meeting the Candy Critic and focusing a bit more of my attention on what kind of candy I could buy and to pay more attention to what the world of candy has to offer, the wheels started to spin.

When I discovered Charleston Chew, otherwise a run of the mill candy-bar from America, at our local Sugar Mountain confectionery outlet I found that this bar whose name I had so often heard but never tried, let alone seen, in my life was in fact, delicious, fun and big enough to share in quantity. The wheels turned once again and I hit on the idea of a honey and chocolate candy-bar that I ought to invent myself. Knowing that however I wanted it put together it would be chewy, I decided that in homage to Charleston Chew I would, recalling my hometown, name is 'Bug Island Chew'.
I do like using the word 'chew' as a noun as it has a great 'old-tymey' feel to it and it makes me laugh a little. I may later change it to something else other than 'Chew', but I should sorely like to keep it. I have ruminated on the finer details of Bug Island Chew - I have tried honey and cocoa powder together - it is delicious and very sweet. I have considered that it should be more nougaty if it were to easily come out of its wrapper, but have yet to learn about nougat formulation or experiment with alternates - as I have been lamentably dragging my feet on many things these months (though with spring here and greater stability in life, I would imagine the kitchen should be a-bubblin' soon enough).
I also considered that because of it's name it could have 'bugs' of some sort in it, perhaps something small and crunchy like candy "Nerds" - however, it was a flight of fancy, for I wish it to remain 'de-bugged' as it were and if no bugs in the bar makes people ask "where are the bugs?" - all the better, for it's only a place name that should make you wonder things like "Is Bug Island real?" or "I wonder where it is?" or "What's so special about this place - like, did this bar come from there?" and so on. Other than that… all that is left is a bit more thought and some honey to chocolate action in a pot!


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