Friday, June 19, 2009

I have a favour to ask.

Yesterday I decided to go to the Tokyo Midtown Mall. This mall is one of the fancier malls in Tokyo, you can tell this fairly simply.

First of all there’s a full on art gallery in the mall, now this isn’t just some place to get things framed that happens to have a few pieces up, this is a full blown art gallery.
It also has a really impressive roof over the outdoor portion of the mall. So I guess it’s not really an outdoor portion anymore.
It also has benches that look really cool, but don’t really work to their full capabilities.
I went to this mall in search of their fancy fruit store. I went to the fancy fruit store to check out prices for fancy fruit. I’m asking you a favour because I can’t really afford to buy any kind of fancy fruit right now. So What I’m trying to say is, would you folks be so kind as to donate some money towards the “Buy Chris a fancy fruit so he can see if it’s that much better than regular fruit” campaign?

In Canada

In the US

Just click on this donate button and give what ever you want. I’ll take the results on August 1st and put it towards the most expensive fruit I can buy. The cheapest thing I found in the store was a lemon for 174 yen that’s about 2 bucks. The priciest single piece of fruit I found was a melon that sold for 22,000 yen that’s about 250 bucks. There’s lots in-between but let’s go for the melon.

Thanks in Advance.



  1. Isn't it weird that the most expensive and least expensive fruits have names that are the exact same letters, but in a slightly different order? Just slightly different. I'd hate to be dyslexic and get *that* order wrong!

  2. Who would donate money to buy you fruit? I'm just curious.

  3. I'm not sure, I sure wouldn't.

  4. Is fruit so scarce in Tokyo that they charge this much for it?

  5. Fruit is more expensive in Tokyo, but stores like this are an exception. They sell super fancy fruit that hand picked and grown in special conditions; they also over package the stuff as well. A good example is the square watermelons they sell. Sure it's neat to have a square watermelon and I’m sure it’s hard to grow, but other than maybe cutting it nothing at all is better about them.

  6. Haha if you took Paypal I'd send you a few bucks ;)

  7. I do take paypal! The donation buttons are paypal. However I understand if you don't want to donate, as I've said before I probably wouldn't donate to such a cause myself. However if you want to see me suffer while eating a lemon a two or three dollar donation will bring you that kind of joy.
