Tuesday, July 07, 2009

What is the Ultimate Japanese Treat (Jellies)

One of the things I keep finding in so many places is Jelly. Sometimes the Jelly is in a little cup and it’s fruit flavoured, sometimes it’s in a fancy bowl filled with real fruit, but there’s no doubt that Jellies are very popular here in Tokyo.

The most elaborate ones I tend to find are in department store basements. There they have these fine boxes of Jellies with fruit suspended in perfect condition. The other end of the spectrum is the bag of little Jellies you find in a grocery store for only a couple of hundred Yen.

At the department stores I’ve also seen Jelly cakes, or at least they look like Jelly cakes. They’re often green with a nut or something perched on the top. I’m not sure if it’s the same thing or not so I’m not sure if maybe this is the origin.

To be honest I’ve tasted a few of the cheaper Jellies in my day and they’re pretty good. I have yet to try an expensive one, or the green jelly cakes, mainly because I’m still investigating it to be sure I get the ultimate experience.

It’s such a widely sold product all over the place, but what’s the ultimate Japanese flavour of Jelly, and is this the Ultimate Japanese Treat. More research is needed.


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