Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lucky Day!

Today was filled with such luck I can’t believe it at all. See that strange green thing on the end of a toothpick? That’s one of the treasured snacks I’ve been dying to try here in Japan for a little while now.
It’s a single grape with a light coating of white sugar. Sure to some it may not seem like that much but these little babies can go for as much as 300 Yen each (that’s about 3 American dollars). I had already searched Ginza for one of these before. Even better, I happened across an industrious sales person handing out free samples in the basement of a department store. The sample where only half of one, but I at least got to see what all the fuss was about.
As it turns out they’re not really that great at all. The grapes here are not as sweet as I’m used to in North America and the sugar only helps that out a little bit. I’d much rather just have a nice fresh bunch of grapes from home then pay the huge price here, but at least I got to try one.


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