Saturday, August 08, 2009

Nikko Treats

Allison and I took a trip to Nikko Japan to check out the great Shrines and Temple there.

The most famous landmark in Nikko is this little carving which was the first (according to many) to depict the famous expression “see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil”. So you can imagine that the city is crazy about monkeys.
All of the gift shops are loaded with monkey cookies, monkey cakes, and monkey candy. I particularly liked these monkey lollypops that came in packages of three.
One of the shrines also had this little display about snacks and sweets but unfortunately I can’t really tell you more about it since I can’t read Japanese.
The area is also well known for its Castella cake. A Portuguese treat that was brought over and is most often sold in fancy stores and restaurants. I had a couple of slices that are covered in gold flakes. They tasted nice as well, simple, moist, and soft.


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