Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ice Cream Mail

It would appear that I’m on the Baskin Robins Mailing list and that means regular flyers full of ice creamy goodness.

With a monthly delivery like this it’s pretty hard to hold back my temptation. I mean look at these cakes, just knowing that I could get one full of gold metal ribbon makes me salivate like a… well something that salivates a whole lot.
This particular flyer was really interesting as well because it would appear that you can now get Baskin Robins in somewhat healthy varieties. I’m surprised because Baskin Robins has often won “least healthy” type contests in health magazines.
I’m a little nervous about this idea for two reasons. First of all I worry about the flavour count at each location. They only have so many freezers and so much room and if you take away any favourites I’ll be ticked off.
Also it goes against my theory of eating treats and eating healthy. Moderation is really the key to doing it, not necessarily going diet. Rather than visit Baskin Robins every day visit monthly and when you do indulge yourself a little.
I did notice that although this flyer is toting the new healthy flavours there was still room for coupons for not so healthy treats as well as a few small examples of great looking not good for you flavours too. Kind of a mixed message thing if you ask me.



  1. Sinclare4:24 PM

    This seems deceiving, it’s a temptation to get people that obviously already have problems saying no to this kind of food into their store.
