Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jon's Cereal Brigade!

Hiya gang! That's the end of the Cap'n, this flavour ship has set sail for another few months! Aye, well, what can I say? It's crunchy, crunchier than many cereals in milk, it's sweet and cuts your mouth a little with an ambiance that recalls earlier days. A roundly likeable chap, the Cap'n is. Now, as for today's clip, I just happened upon a commercial for Mr.T cereal! It's cool! I am informed twice and invited to eat small Ts that from the description ought to taste like Cap'n Crunch. I don't even remember this cereal but after my video of C3POs it occurs to me that they'll make a cereal (or used to) out of anything! Now, Mr.T was a comparatively serious character but not even he could hold his own, cereal-wise, against the Cap'n... it seems to add to my pet theory that in fact, in the office, Cap'n Crunch is a ruthless businessperson!



  1. Didn't they have a dog on the Mr T cartoon that had a Mohawk?

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I pitty fools.
