Friday, October 02, 2009

Snickers Believes in Me

Or at least I think they do. That or they want me to believe in something, it’s pretty vague actually. Upon further inspection I noticed a few logos for the Olympic hockey team so I figure. So I guess the folks at Snickers want us to believe in the Canadian Olympic hockey team.

I find this odd, because I do believe in them. I understand that they exists I even understand they often do very well. So I’m not really sure what the word “believe” has to do with the hockey team. All I can say is GO TEAM CANADA! See that’s a much clearer approach.



  1. Sarah8:01 AM

    I think more chocolate bars should change their names to positive words now and then. It would make the world a better place.

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Come on, give me a break, all companies, if they do not "believe" in their own "brand name" should either change it permanently of close shop. Aero chocolate bar changed to 'LOVE' for a while. As a retailer with chocolate bars behind the counter, customers are looking for their favorite, and when they look for "snickers' they can not find it. "Bullsh*t". Keep the name the same. Duh.....

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Give me a break, I own a business that sell chocolate bars from behind the counter. My customers look for "Smickers" and can not find them, they see believe, not "Snickers", so they may buy something else. Aero did the same thing when they relabeled themselves "LOVE" what the hell is that? If companies do not have enough confidence in their brand, give it up. I am piss*d.

  4. I can see that as being a problem. Although I had no problem in those two cases, I have had problems in the past with new packaging and other changes. It's tough because changing a name is a bold advertising idea, but people may not be aware and may not be able to get their favourite treat because they don't recognize it. It's easy for me because I'm well educated on the subject and I don't make my living selling these treats to other people.

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Do you belive?

  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    ... Or they may pick up a Snickers for the first time (in a long time) and say "Wow, I haven't had a Snickers in forever"..

    It'll be interesting to see how successful the campaign is. It's also interesting when you consider the amount of media that CTV has put behind "Do you Believe", or whatever they say. I wonder if that will equate to more snickers sales?

  7. I'm sure we'll see depending on future campaigns.
