Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Jon's Cereal Brigade!

"Sorry Kids, Jon's Video won't let me embed. You can click here to check it out instead:"


Joy! Hi gang! well, I been into another bowl of this French Toast Crunch... it's pretty good... I do like it, but I find after 3 bowls it doesn't hold me like some other cereals can. Certainly the cereal doesn't have any kind of spokescreature to get behind like the Cap'n. But regardless I find it a delicious treat but not really a persistent addition to the pantry in terms of candy cereal. I would have to give it a 7 out of 10 as well on account of these points. It tastes better than Cap'n Crunch, but it's missing something in the texture department. Now, for today's's a classic, it may be not obscure enough for some (which seems would be a sad sentiment), but it's been a while for me to see and hear it... it's Ren and Stimpy's Happy Happy Joy Joy song! So you'd all...! He he, enjoy!


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