Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Turkey Dinner Rip Off

I love turkey TV dinners. I don’t mean that nice expensive ones either, I’m talking about a dinner that cost less than two bucks but tastes out of this world. This to me would be the perfect holiday meal. I have two comments to make about them however.
First of all thank you TV dinner people for taking the onions out of the peas. It was gross and I don’t know a single person that would eat them.
Secondly what’s the deal the cranberry desert? It’s not really a desert as much as it’s sauce for your turkey. I believe I’m owed a slice of pie or something.



  1. Ewwww, that looks grotesque! Very un-festive! :(

  2. It isn’t very festive and it is a little gross, but for some reason I love them.
