Monday, March 08, 2010

No More Corn Syrup Because you Want Something Simpler

Apparently food companies are starting to cut down the use of high fructose corn syrup in favor of using sugar instead. They say that people are more interested in natural ingredients but frankly refined sugar and corn syrup seem like the same thing to me. If you want a natural sweetener you should look at honey and maple syrup.

Click here to read more.



  1. Jen Vanasse7:29 PM

    Yay!!! That is awesome news for someone who has a corn allergy! I can't drink soft drinks or use ketchup in the US because of the corn syrup. Here's to corn-free products!

  2. I never thought of that. Do you have problems with pop and ketchup in Canada?

  3. Jen Vanasse7:39 AM

    Canada is pretty good. I have to read labels to watch for corn syrup, but soft drinks and ketchup are corn free. I was worried, though, that the trend in the States was going to be followed here and then my circle of consumables would shrink a little bit more.
