Thursday, April 22, 2010

Free S'mores For You!

The folks at Hershey want two of my Candy Critic friends from the US to get a whole bunch of S'mores making stuff. First of all you have to live in the continental United States (sorry other countries) secondly you have to give me the greatest S'mores making tips ever. I need this tip because apparently they're sending me a kit as well.

I'll pick the best (more creative) tips and the top 2 will get a S'mores Kit from Hershey's.

To enter simply get me your tip and an e-mail address. You can send the tips and and e-mail as a comment on this blog, as a comment on this Facebook group, you can use the comment form here, or you can just e-mail chris (at) Pretty much if I can read your tip and I can e-mail you for details you're in.


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