Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Banning Candy From Schools Does One Thing...

It does a great job and terrifying and confusing little children to believe that choosing what they want to eat may lead to punishment. I personally enjoyed the parents reaction to her 3rd grade daughters detention because she had a candy in her possession, "candy sniffing dogs next?"


1 comment:

  1. 1) The school's giving itself a harder time by taking away a valuable teaching resource: candy rewards!

    2) How is the Department of Agriculture even relevant to this bit of news? I think they were just going for some name-dropping and pulled out the first official comment they found.

    3) Leave it to Fox News to report a candy ban as if it were borderline fascism and to take the opportunity to let someone suggest how private schooling might be better than public.

    4) The school administrators couldn't have made a worse decision. The fact that they justify this with "candy and gum can cause a mess" instead of "are unhealthy" goes to show how ridiculous their rule is. Way to take away a huge part of all their students' childhoods. I say we storm the school with high-powered Pez dispensers and hard-candy ninja stars.
