Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Mint Ogre Load Revealed

After walking by a sign (not this actual one) with the words "Ogre Load" on it I pretty much did a count down in my head as to how fast the internet would start to come up with silly comments. Needless to say it took two days. As funny (or not) as all of these comments ended up being, my concern is with the treat itself.
First of all, as you can see, the treat is not really that attractive at all. Most importantly however was the bits of Aero bar. These special little Aero nuggets where absolutely horrible. Now its been a while since I've eaten an Aero bar but these little bits hardly tasty like chocolate at all. They pretty much tasted like little mint wax nuggets. They also really didn't incorporate into the McFlurry either, they just kind of clumped up and made for awkward eating. It was a tragic disappointment.


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