Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Does the World Hate Fanta

Here in Europe Fanta is the bomb, everybody drinks it and you can get it just about anywhere. When I was a kid I remember being able to find Fanta in many stores in North America, but now it's virtually impossible to find. When you can find it in North America, it's often imported from Europe and overpriced. Now I've heard many rumors and stories about why it's not available, they seem far fetched, mostly about the Second World War. It just seems odd that if these rumors are true, then why hold such a grudge when clearly many Europeans (whom the war affected greatly) have chosen to forgive. If they're not true, then what's the hold up?



  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    They sell Fanta everywhere now. It's had a big resurgence.

  2. Really, when I was in Canada, about 3 months ago, I didn't really see it around that much.

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Chris, you needed to just go to the Loblaws on Merivale or either of the Basic Food stores and you'd see cases of Fanta for sale. Might not be in every corner store but grocery stores had them, and not priced to high.

    Btw, the front lawn looks Halloweeny but it's missing something. Oh yeah, the owners are in Europe. :)


  4. Really... I have noticed that Loblaws has started to incorporate many imports.

    I miss Halloween here.
