Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Cinnabon In Athens

Athens is really starting to get into the North American food court world.  Only moments after opening the first Taco Bell in Athens, in the same mall a few meters away, the first Cinnabon opened up.  All in all the experience was OK, except for the long wait.

The reason for the wait wasn't because of any long lineup, it had more to do with the inexperience of the bun cookers.  We even got a glimpse of cinnamon buns exploding into twirly towers while waiting for our hot buns.  Was it worth the 20 minute wait?  For now I might say no, but in a few years when I'm craving these things like crazy I just might change my tune.



  1. After waiting 12 years for a franchise to come here, and learning to make my own for a fraction of the cost with as much frosting as I want, the opening of this Cinnabon is anti-climatic and I no longer care.

    Exploding? I've never seen that. Got any photos? ;)

  2. So you think your cinnamon buns are as good, or better than Cinnabon? that sounds like a challenge.

    I didn't get any pictures of the buns exploding, and maybe you can help me with that. What do you know about photography rules in places like stores and malls? I've been into many stores that have "no photography" signs, and I get the feeling that many retailers don't like you taking pictures in their stores. Is this me being paranoid?
