Monday, January 24, 2011

Marshmallow Recipe

I just came across an interesting recipe.  It's a recipe that didn't really make me want to make the product, but instead made me think about the product.  The recipe is how to make home made marshmallows.  It made me think about one strange fact dealing with these puffy treats, did you know they had ingredients?

Click here to read the recipe.



  1. I'm a vegetarian, and when I mention I can't eat something because it contains marshmallows, I often get the quizzical look. Although marshmallows aren't meaty in any way, they do contain gelatin.
    On the plus side, Marshmallow Fluff has no gelatin, I can eat all of that I want! It's just nice to know I can.

  2. Ahhhh, the great vegetarian marshmallow problem. I have several friends that are in denial about this very issue, both vegetarian and and not. The truth is many candies, including marshmallows, gummies and even some taffies contain gelatin. And yes gelatin is rendered from animals, animal bones from what I understand. There is some good news however, besides the fact that Fluff contains no gelatin, apparently scientists are starting to play with substitutes often made from seaweed as a replacement for gelatin. I've had a few treats made with this substitute and they're very good.
