Monday, January 24, 2011

Turkish Baklava

One of the lesser known facts about Baklava is that Greece isn't the only place in the world that makes it.  Nope, in fact some say that Turkish Baklava is better than the Greek stuff.  Now I wouldn't go walking around Athens saying to out loud, unless you want to get yelled at, spit on, and maybe beaten up.  But recently I received a gift from a friend visiting us here in Athens, it was a box of Turkish baklava.  At first sight I have to say it was pretty impressive, so many shapes colours and textures to behold.
It had a selection that looked pretty similar to the stuff that I find here in Greece.
But it also had some baklava that I couldn't possibly describe.  I have to admit, variety wise this collection is pretty diverse, maybe even a little more diverse than the stuff I've seen around Greece.  Taste wise though, I'm not as impressed, there's not as much spice and not nearly enough sweetness.  It's pretty much a bit of philo dough with a whole lot of pistachios.  I'll reserve my judgement as to which countries baklava is better, at least until I try more.



  1. I've eaten Greek baklava for years and never liked it.

    I discovered Turkish a few months ago and was smitten...probably because of all the pistachios. The Greek has always just been too sweet for me.

    Off to order some Turkish:)

  2. The diversity of sweet foods in the Mediterranean is spectacular. I used to think that there was one kind of Turkish delight, one kind of halva, and one kind of baklava. I was very wrong.

    There are so many varieties to suit just about any taste.
