Wednesday, February 02, 2011

A Few Words About Kissing From Dentyne

The folks at Dentine asked me to pass along the following information on making out:

"Do You Like to Do it in Public or Keep it Private?
The Great Kissing Debate: Public or Private?

Do you like to do it in public?  Or do you keep it behind closed doors?  Do you like to kiss in front of strangers?  Or does someone watching make you squirm?  Do you believe in the power of PDA?  Or do you believe kisses are better when no one else is around?  Most importantly, does your partner share your passionate perspective?

This Valentine’s Day, Dentyne is stirring up a sizzling controversy with The Great Kissing Debate:  Public or Private.  Dentyne Kissing Ambassadors, real-life couple Erin Bury and Kevin Oulds, pay more than lip service to this topic every day.  Erin, a social media sweetheart, is a proponent of the public kiss, while Kevin, who works in construction, believes it should be a private matter.  “A little PDA can go a long way,” says Erin.  “I don’t understand why it’s so shocking to kiss openly, as long as it’s not a full make-out session.”  Kevin adds, “I’m not uptight or anything, but those people who kiss in public are just showing off.  Everyone in the world can kiss, but why does the world need to watch?  Get a room.”

So where do Canadians stand on the snog?  A new national survey by Angus Reid Public Opinion conducted on behalf of Dentyne reveals that we can give our conservative image a kiss goodbye, as more than three-quarters of us (77 percent) say it’s okay to kiss in public.  And believe it or not, Ontario is the public kissing capital of Canada with 83 percent supporting the public kiss, while those in the Atlantic provinces are keeping it on the down low and are the least open to public kissing at 63 percent.

Practice Safe Breath™

Regardless of your public or private persuasion, it’s vitally important to Practice Safe Breath™.  The Dentyne survey revealed that 97 percent of Canadians believe that fresh breath is a must for a great kiss.  In fact, almost half of us (43 percent) have avoided a kiss – public or private – because of bad breath.  Guys take note:  51 percent of women avoided a kiss because of bad breath versus only 35 percent of men.  So this Valentine’s Day, flowers and candy might be nice, but bringing on your fresh breath may make you an action hero.

Are you getting yours?  The Dentyne survey uncovered that 34 percent of us are only giving one-to-three kisses a day; 16 percent of us are lip-locked four-to-six times a day; and nine percent of us are giving more-than-ten kisses a day.  That’s a whole lotta love, but sadly, there’s nine percent of us who don’t kiss our partner at all.

And apparently in Canada you don’t even need to be lovers to kiss:  43 percent of us frequently kiss our friends and acquaintances as part of our greeting, with women outnumbering men 50 percent to 35 percent.  And where you live plays a big role in this one too, with an astounding 68 percent of those in Quebec frequently kissing friends and acquaintances as part of a greeting, while only 24 percent of Albertans do the same.

He Says/She Says:  “To Kiss or Not to Kiss”
Leading up to Valentine’s Day weekend, as Erin and Kevin travel across Canada, they will share their passionate – and opposing – perspectives, and encourage Canadians to hook-up in The Great Kissing Debate at  Working with the Dentyne Kiss Crew, they will gather votes on the street via iPads, hand out free samples of Dentyne, and share some stimulating snogging spots in each city they visit.

Erin and Kevin will also debate how the rise of social networking accentuates the Public versus Private Debate.  In just a mouse click, your stolen moments are available for all the world to see.  Is it better to show your kiss online or to kiss openly offline?  “I actually think it's worse to post a photo of you kissing than to kiss on the street,” says Erin.  “On the street, it's a passionate, spontaneous moment, and it’s likely only strangers will see you.  On social networks, the magic is lost but the picture can last forever.”  Not surprisingly, Kevin disagrees:  “Out in public, it’s in your face, but on Facebook you can choose whether to click on it.”

Feeling Peck-ish?

The public/private debate is on!  Tell Dentyne* how you feel.  Register your vote on and get a free pack of gum so you’ll be ready for action."

Some interesting statistics, it makes me realize that my breath really stinks.


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