Friday, February 11, 2011

Super Bowl Candy Commercial Roundup

I have to be honest, this year I really didn't laugh that much while watching any of the Super Bowl commercials this year.  Sure many of them where strange, even a little bone chillingly gross, but nothing that made me giggle uncontrollably.

The Snickers spot was the one I was looking most forward to, so it was the one to disappoint most.  It's pretty much the same joke as last year with a new set up and new actors.  I wonder which one of these guys will get to host SNL now?

This Doritos ad was OK, but the ending was predictable.

This ad although very strange didn't make me laugh, instead it made me fear co-workers a little.

While not for a candy company, this ad does mention candy in the title and the candy store shows looks really yummy.


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