Tuesday, March 01, 2011

My Vacation (Part 2)

After the day in Brighton (posted yesterday) we headed to our next destination, the beautiful Canary Islands.  I have to say that our first few days in the Islands was more about recovering from the time difference and relaxing.
I did however manage to hit up a Chinese restaurant with a buffet.  Best of all this buffet had an ice cream section.  The rum raisin was fantastic and there was some kind of almond caramel that was delightful.
I also picked up a donut called a half moon.  It's not very clever, and it's not really a donut either.  The consistency was something more like a Twinkie and the icing was kind of gross.  That was all the treats I managed in the first part of our time in the Canary Islands, but there's more to come.


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