Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Review Is a Mystery

This weeks review is all about mystery... Or it could be about lazy chip companies, I'm not really sure.  All I can tell you is that I most certainly cannot tell you exactly what flavour these chips I'm reviewing are supposed to be.  Some day this information might come out and we can all breath a sigh of relief.



  1. Have you seen the review over at Foodstuff Finds?

    I think it solves much of the mystery.

  2. When I tasted these, I never thought egg... hmmmm. I still think it's kind of stupid for chip companies to have this kind of contest. It comes off as lazy to me.

  3. I think I'm okay with it since they're doing it to support a charity. Otherwise I would agree.

  4. I see, and I agree with you... sort of. Why not skip the silly "name the chip publicity stunt" and give money to a good cause anyways. Do you think that sales of these chips will increase because of the contest?

  5. Okay, now you have me seriously looking into this.

    Apparently in previous years they have promised a certain amount of money, regardless of sales.

    This year, it looks like it's totally based on sales of the crisps

    I think it makes sense to me because Red Nose Day is such a big deal in the UK- it's not just a crisp-naming contest, it's a way for the company to be involved in the cause, and to let their customers be similarly involved. I think because they are limited edition flavors that allow the customers to feel a tiny bit altruistic they probably do sell well.

    Yes, it would make more sense to just donate money directly to the cause, but not everyone uses such basic logic.

  6. I'd be curious to know how many people submit a name idea.

  7. I didn't think people submitted ideas- I thought Walkers just asked specific comedians to take part.

  8. You know what, I think I may have completely missed the point of this contest. I may have to re-work my review a little... for the first time ever.

  9. I think my incessant need to research is feeling a tiny moment of triumph...

  10. I think you deserve it. Thanks for pointing out my candy review faux pas.
