Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fanta Rumour

For years and years I could never figure out why Fanta (the drink) never took off in Canada.  I thought maybe it had something to do with distribution, or maybe the folks that made Fanta just didn't want to compete with C-plus, or Orange Crush.  Then someone told me a story that Fanta was created in Germany during the Second World War, and that it had it's roots in Nazi Germany.
This seemed a little far fetched, but it did give an interesting explanation as to why North Americans don't really drink that much Fanta.  I did a little research on the Internet and it was created around that time in Germany, but it's very unclear as whether or not it had ties with the Nazi's.  I'm thinking probably not, but I wouldn't mind a little more, unbiased, information.  On another note, according to the Internet, the only Orange Fanta that still contains real orange juice is the stuff sold here in Greece.



  1. Chris S.12:20 PM

    It is fairly safe to say that ALL businesses operating in Nazi Germany had ties to the party. Whether or not this was optional is a matter for debate, but you can chalk it up as fact with very few exceptions.

  2. I guess the real question then is how long did they stay loyal to the party and was this the reason that North America hasn't gone nuts for the stuff?
