Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sugar Package Art

So there I am, sitting in a coffee shop enjoying a nice cup of tea, when I come across a really strange selection of sugar packages.  These packages where like nothing I'd ever seen before in my life.  Most of the time sugar packages come with either the brand name on it, like Red Path Sugar, or Sweet and Low.  Or they have the name of the establishment on it, like Second Cup, or Best Western.  But these ones where different, these sugar packages had random drawings that had absolutely nothing to do with sugar at all.
Take this fish for example, I'm fairly certain that putting sugar on fish is not really the thing to do.
Or this dog, I can't really figure this one out at all.
But the strangest of all was this mosquito.  Why would you decorate a sugar package with a bug that is universally hated by all?


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