Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Whole Lot Of Cheese

The other day at the grocery store I made a Fromage Faux Pas (clever the use of French no?).
Although my Greek is getting better, I still make mistakes, and often those mistakes are difficult to fix, because of my poor language skills.  So while at the cheese counter at my local grocery store, I appear to have accidentally ordered one and a half kilos of mozzarella cheese, instead of a half kilo of mozzarella.  So do you want to see what a kilo and a half of cheese looks like?
Here it is, in all it's glory.  I couldn't even imagine how I was going to tell her I only wanted a fraction of what she gave me, so I took it.  I also decided that getting another 300 grams of cheddar was probably not a good idea.
So for the next week or two I will be eating a whole lot of cheese, including snacks like these crackers with mozzarella melted on them.


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