Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Free Iced Tea Made Me Happy

Yesterday I had a good day.  Don't get me wrong, it started out pretty horrible.  I had a miserable shopping trip that ended with me having to go to a second grocery store and re-choosing everything I almost bought already.  This second store was much further away, and I had to go alone.  I was harassed by a group of religious people that tried to sell me trinkets on the way, and it was very hot.  I also thought I had left the stove on at home, so I was paranoid about it the whole way there.  Then a beacon of hope came from a nice young lady handing out free newspapers on the street corner.  In my hot, and grumpy state I walked up to the corner sore from carrying a lot of groceries.  The lady with the newspapers looked at me with pity.  You see, this day the newspaper had a campaign to give away a free bottle of Lipton's Green Ice Tea with each paper.  The lady looked at me, handed me two bottles of the ice tea, and didn't burden me with a newspaper I couldn't even read.  I'm not a religious man, but yesterday I met a saint.


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