Friday, June 03, 2011

Natural Extrusion

If you don't know what "extrusion" is, it's when you take a glob of candy stuff and apply a great deal of pressure at one end, and at the other end you have a little hole.  Sometimes the hole will be shaped differently, but when the candy product is forced through the hole, it makes a cool shape.  It's pretty much the same principle as your Playdoh Mop-top Hair Shop.  Well apparently until now, natural colours could not be used with this method of candy making (for reason's I'm not really sure).  But that's all changed, a candy think tank has developed a series of natural colours that can take the abuse caused by extrusion.  The thing is, no matter how much you explain it to me, if you say the word "extrusion", the word "natural" just doesn't seem to fit.

Click here to try and understand this technology.


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