Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why Do The People At Coca-Cola Hate Me?

In my entire life, I have only lived in one city with a regular suply of Cherry Coke, for about one year.  That year was just long enough to become completely addicted to the stuff.  Then, for no reason they discontinued it.  I thought that maybe it was gone everywhere, forever.  But as I traveled around a bit I would occasionally come across it again and again.  It had the same can, same flavour, and the addiction returned quickly.
So, to the people of the Coca-Cola bottling company, why do you insist on torturing me.  Why can't you allow Cherry Coke to exist in the same country that I am currently living, or that I plan on moving to.  Do you pay attention to my movements.  If so, what did I ever do to you?  Please, for the love of all things good, please release Cherry Coke in the following countries: Canada, Greece, England, Japan, or any other place I have either lived or might live.



  1. Willy the Cherry Coke Expet5:45 AM

    I know that feel bro...

    Why don't they just sell that stuff by the gallon at walmart.. it'd be heaven.

    Stay strong.
