Friday, September 02, 2011

Other Lithuanian Food

Yesterday I posted a few non-candy Polish foods, so today I thought I would talk a little bit about some non-candy Lithuanian foods.
I thought I would start with the soup.  This isn't really what you might expect, it's not borsht... well not really.  Instead it's a cold beet soup with no meat at all, but it does have bits of boiled egg.  It's really tasty, and a great way to cool down on a hot summers day.
 While on this trip, I became addicted to this stuff known as "Baltic Salad".  I'm not sure how genuine this particular variety is, but I just couldn't stop eating it.
The concept is kind of gross, if you think about it, but I think it worked.  It's pretty much canned carrots, potatoes and peas in a creamy salad dressing.
All over Lithuania they sell these crazy dumplings, and I mean they are crazy.  The best way to describe them is to imagine pierogi dough, but 10 times thicker wrapped around a really greasy meatball.  I managed to eat two of these things and was full for the rest of the day.  But it wasn't that comfortable feeling of full, it was that kind of full that feels like you just ate two pounds of dough and a couple of greasy meatballs.
 Now I'm not sure if this next food is Lithuanian, however it's the only place I've ever seen it.  It appears to be a pub like food, only really available in bars and bar like restaurants.  I'm not sure what it's called, but I can assure you that it's not healthy by any diet standards.
What you have here is a plate full of deep fried bread, covered in mayonnaise and cheese.  I can tell you that the first bite was fantastic, and I can also tell you that the last bite was painful.
Finally I want to talk a little about some burger experiences we had in Lithuania.  First of all we discovered a fun little chain of burger places called Hesburger.  Hesburgers are pretty much copies of McDonald hamburgers only a little tastier.  In the case of the Big Mac type burger, Hesburger does everything pretty much the same but then they also ad a creamy curry sauce.  It's pretty good.
We also went to a McDonalds in Lithuania and I was baffled by this burger.  They call it a "New York Burger" and it's got an onion bun with bacon on it, bacon on the inside and pretty much your standard burger fillings.  I'm not really sure how this burger represents New York, and I wonder what Lithuanians think New York is really like.


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