Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trying to Get an Agent/Publisher - Rejection 10

As you may or may not know, I'm trying to sell a Candy Critic book idea. If you know (or are) someone that can help me out, say hello.  If not, please enjoy my now regular posts of rejections I've received from agents and publishers.

"Dear Chris,

Thank you for your query and interest in representation by _____________________. I regret that ____ is unable to take you on as a client at this time. We receive hundreds of queries a week and as such we must turn down many projects that might have great commercial potential.

Please know I personally read each and every query and that some of these rejections are based strictly on the subject of material, which may not be an appropriate fit for my interests. However, more often than not, the rejections are based on writers not having a good understanding of how to prepare and pitch their work as a query and proposal/manuscript to an agent.

As such, please accept this complimentary attached excerpt from my book, ______________________. You may find my new title for purchase at your local bookstore or nearest library. It is sent in the hope that it will inspire you to continue working on your book.

It pains me to know that quite often writers, in their zest for publication, overlook some of the most obvious tips to catching an agent’s eye and getting one step closer to their dream. I have many clients who endured long terms of rejection before they found the winning combination for themselves. They refused to give up, as I hope you will continue to do.

I wish you all the best in pursuit of your effort to be a published author.

All best,



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