Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Urban Baking Co Macaroons

I'm a fan of supporting local business, so when I got the chance to go to the Urban Craft Fair that happens on the first Saturday of the month in Ottawa I spent probably more than I should have. All the vendors had beautiful handmade items. I wanted one of everything, but managed to come away with some gift things I've been meaning to buy, and as a treat to myself some beautiful macaroons from the Urban Baking Co.

A few of them got a little squished in transit. In fact there was a nice lemony yellow one that was not going to pass muster photography wise so I got a little taste before I had to take photos.

Overall they are very sweet with subtle flavours, although the carrot cake one on top of the stack is the most distintive one of the bunch. They seem like they'd be perfect for an afternoon tea time or fancy dinner coffee accompaniment. 

If you're interested in getting some for yourself their website is: but it seems to be under construction at the moment.

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