Monday, September 26, 2011

What Makes a Cookie a Cookie

Over the last few years I've been traveling a lot.  I've traveled to many different places, sampled all kinds of treats and discovered all kinds of really great snacks.  Every single country I've ever visited has had one kind of treat in common, and that's cookies.  In some cases people might also call them biscuits, but the general idea is the same, or is it?  I'm not sure if the whole world has the same idea as to what a cookie (or biscuit) actually is.  So I ask the question, what defines a cookie?
I asked Candy Critic's two resident baking experts and they had pretty similar opinions on the matter.  Jane said: "Certainly density is a factor. If it's too light it's more like a cake. Also size and shape. They have to be flat-ish. And they're usually on the small size of baked goods, but there are exceptions. I don't think there are ingredients that define them, but sugar or sweetness is a must, otherwise it's a cracker."  Zoe agreed: "How about a small, sweet, usually crispy type of cake."
The thing that I wonder is how we can define some of the stranger cookies we see today.  For example, I had a praline with almonds, half dipped in chocolate cookie a few weeks ago.  It was round and flat, and sold with other cookies.  If you are to take this same treat make it into a small square it would probably be more of a chocolate or candy than a cookie.  Am I right?
People ask me all of the time if I review things other than candy on Candy Critic. These people argue that some of the treats I review are in fact cookies.  The thing is, I'm not sure if these people could truly define a cookie, in fact I don't think I could truly define a cookie either.


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