Monday, September 19, 2011

Yummy Earth/Candy Critic Halloween Contest!

Hey Candy Critic readers, how would you like a big bag of Yummy Earth lollipops delivered to your house for free.  Well for one lucky reader this dream could come true.  All you have to do is comment on this blog, message us here, or send us a message via Facebook or Twitter telling us about the best Halloween costume idea ever.  It doesn't even have to be true, we want to hear (and maybe even see) some creative ideas, and hey, you might get bonus marks if it's candy related.  Send us written ideas, photographs, sketches, etchings, anything to best explains the greatest Halloween costume idea ever.  The most creative entry will win a big bag of Yummy Earth lollipops.  The only thing we need to be sure is that you include an e-mail address for us to contact you, and you must be a resident in the US (Sorry other places).  The contest ends October 7th, so send us your ideas... now!



  1. looks yummy! i want to win.

  2. All you have to do is describe a great Halloween costume and this wonderful bag of lollipops could be yours.

  3. One of the most creative Halloween costumes I've seen consisted of a long shepherd's robe with shepherd's crook in one hand, but also a Bavarian alpine-style hat (and, as I recall, a giant pretzel and beer stein in the other hand). A German shepherd!

  4. Donna Shimko MrsBelladonnaS@aol.com2:49 PM

    Last year, I dressed up in a Santa Suit and trick-or-treated with my husband (dressed as a farmer) and my son was a Star Wars Storm Trooper--What a combination! Some of the younger kids kept asking me for things on their Christmas list and I had to tell them that I was on my day off and I'll see them again around Christmas time. LOL

  5. My 2 y/o Daughter was a scuba diver one year for Halloween! We used a 2 liter pop bottle and made it into her air tank by spray painting it silver and adding hose and a breathing mouthpiece. Also,flippers out of foam sheet. She even had goggles and we made a black head cover. It was so cute and she got lots of compliments on her costume.

  6. Facebook: use cardboard to make a book with a hole for your face. Get it Face Book. LOL!!!

  7. Looks yummy! So fun to give to tricker treaters! :). Thanks for doing this!

  8. Looks delicious.
