Thursday, October 06, 2011

Candy Costume Ideas - Strange

Halloween is quickly approching, and if you haven't decided what you want to wear, you still have time.  Sure you could go as a spooky goblin, or your favorite serial killer, but why not go a different direction this year?  Why not dress up as your favorite sweet treat?  To help you out with your costume decision making, every day this week I'll be scouring in search of some of the best, and strangest candy related costumes.
I have to admit that I'm not really a big costume person.  I like the candy on Halloween, but dressing up is just something I'm not that into.  It doesn't help when costume makers create strange costumes that just seem awkward to wear and even more awkward to look at.  This ladies Hershey's Kiss costume does everything in its power to make the wearer appear as un-shapely as possible.  I'm not saying it has to be "sexy" but this is just strange.
Easily the most bizarre candy costume I found.  The idea is creative, but the execution is way off.  I'm thinking that it would work better if you took off the clown head (since clowns pretty much make everything creepy) and just use your own head instead.  As is, it looks like this guys being devoured by a giant clown Pez dispenser.
Nothing says awkward like the men’s and ladies Halloween costume team up.  The lady is sexy the man is dorky.  This pretty much sums up every relationship I've ever been in.


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