Monday, November 21, 2011

Belgian Candy Windows - Flawless Fountain

The widows of the chocolate shops in Belgium are spectacular, almost as spectacular as the chocolates themselves.  The level of competition between the chocolate shops in this country is staggering, so you would imagine they put a lot of effort towards their windows to attract customers.  For the next two weeks I'm going to show you some of the great themes and ideas I came across while searching out my chocolate paradise.
The chocolate fountain really seems to be a popular thing in Belgium, with almost every single shop displaying one in the window.  Makes me kind of proud since many candy historians trace the chocolate fountain's origins to Canada.  The great thing about the fountains in Belgium is how perfectly they flow, you never see a gap in the flow at all, it's almost mesmerizing.  That probably means they're only for display in most cases, but that doesn't matter because they smell great and there's lots of other chocolate to sample at these stores.  Some stores do use them, and they cover fresh fruit in chocolate right in front of your eyes.  One day I think I may rent one of these and just spend the day eating chocolate covered... well everything.


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