Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Candy Store Tips - Candy Import Pricing

For many years now I've been lucky enough to explore candy stores all over the world.  I've seen the worst and I've seen the best.  Now, each week, I'm going to give you a tip that will help you know instantly how good any candy store you walk into might be.  This is also useful if you happen to own a candy store as well, follow these tips and customers will notice.
Many people assume that when I go into a candy store I spend a fortune.  Fact is I'm very picky about what I pay for my treats, and I'll walk away from a treat I'm dying to try if it's unreasonably priced.  When I go into a candy store I pay attention to prices and I would never suggest a store with over inflated pricing.  Having said that I understand that some candy is more expensive than other candy.  Imports are the most notable expensive candy that I'll often invest some money into.  A good candy store will mark their imports well, but to be sure, if you see a really expensive bar and you think it's an import read the package to be sure.  Many candy companies have started to manufacture some treats overseas because their import market was so big.  Pocky is now available as well as some British chocolate bars for a reasonable price in parts of North America.  That being said some classic bars, like Kit Kat, are made differently all over the world, and are worth a premium to taste the difference.

I'd like to thank the beautiful Snyder's Candy for providing photos for this article.


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